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That moment

Have you ever wondered

what happens at that moment,

what happens when conflict

is turned into war?

What happens when people




turn a territorial dispute

into murder?

What happens in the minds

of those people

who cruelly cry,

"That other group should die!"

only because their beliefs

and theories

don't resemble theirs?

What happens at that moment,

that irate, irrational moment,

when massive masses wish to vent their anger

in the form of a declaration of war?

What happens when

something happens

that causes people to throw all good intentions away

and simply say,

"The thought of peace is just naïve.

If we fight now, we won't have to grieve."

They're unaware

that war

is not the ultimate solution

Mass murder is never justified,

not even in the spirit of retribution

Speaking of which, why is it that

we never ever realize

that vengeance can't undo past events

making it a path unwise

And why do so many people wish

that everyone thought the same as they do,

that everyone's skin colour were the same?

Why do we experience so much difficulty

in appreciating diversity,

which is only befitting

our internationality?

Just one day, let's not call peacemakers naïve

Let us leave

our weapons in the sand

and, instead of fighting,

give one another a hand

That way,

we won't have to grieve

for the fallen,

for all those men, women and children slain

That way, for once,

there won't be pain

All we have to do is


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