Hand in Hand with Peace (AutumnElf555)

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Hand in Hand with Peace

Son against father

Brother against brother

Nation against nation

Tumult and hatred rage

All the world

On the rise

Toward dispair.

I crouch to touch

Waxy purple petal

While the birds chirp


If only my surroundings

Could bring me peace.

"Please,' I whisper,

Still brushing the flower,

" Please."

Clouds part

And gossamer strings of color

They become,

Though it hasn't rained.

A reminder

Just for me.

One day, peace will come,

As has been promised.

Those who seek

With weary heart

Shall soon find rest.

Cares crease my skin.

Who can say?

Maybe I'm just naïve.

I stand up and keep walking

Over dirt road.


I kick up dust

And watch it swirl,


And settle.

I stop as well

For before me

The road


Two directions.

Right or left.

One leads where I wish to go

The other

Does not.

I fumble in my backpack

For the map I know is there

I search for direction,

But all

Is in vain.

I'm on my own.

The sound of tears

Reaches me

I look up in surprise

Young girl crouched

On the side of the road,

Water leaving streaks,

Running over dirtstained cheeks.

I stand uncertainly

For but a moment,

Though an eternal one.

Thoughts rise and fall and circulate,

All surface questions.

Those ideas too deep

For crystalized thought

Manifest themselves when I step forward.

I do so without thinkingg

I respond to the humanity

So fundamental to our beings

Often pushed out by fear and doubt

Ignored when rationalization

Has a say.

I step forward.


And again.

Fear jolts through my system with each step,

But I have begun the journy-

I cannot stop.

A little breathlessly,

I reach the girl

And place an uncertain hand

On her shoulder.

She looks up

With the sudden liveliness

Of a bird taking flight.

I look into her eyes

And see in their reflection

All that she has seen.

Too much.

Arm wrapped around her small back

We slowly stand

And walk together under a

Canopy of leaves

All the world at peace.

poets for PEACEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum