Don't Ever Let Me Go (Ms_Meg)

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Don't Ever Let Me Go

Smiling children

Smiling everywhere

Everywhere is kindness

Everywhere is peace

Peace and harmony

Peace and loving

Loving to love

Loving to live

Live to be kind

Live to be happy

Happy is good

Happy is protected

Protected we are

Protected, we feel safe

Safe from horrors

Safe from hatred

Hatred is a disease

Hatred kills

Kills me

Kills our bonds

Bonds of peace

Bonds of hope

Hope for better days

Hope for a light

Light to guide us

Light a match

Match a couple

Match us forever

Forever we hold

Forever we sing

Sing of hope

Sing praises

Praises of soldiers

Praises of warriors

Warriors saved us

Warriors that fought

Fought for this peace

Fought for the sun

Sun that shines

Sun that stays

Stays without fail

Stays for eternity

Eternity of peace

Eternity of hugging

Hugging strangers

Hugging to cheer

Cheer up a day

Cheer up, world

World of light

World of tranquility

Tranquility to last

Tranquility never ends

Ends shouldn't start

Ends shouldn't come

Come to me

Come dim, grow bright

Bright is our smile

Bright is our future

Future of us

Future of all

All together

All serene

Serene we sit

Serene we stay

Stay with me

Stay calm forever

Don't ever let me go

poets for PEACEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt