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Peace must be the first act of the morning

As we rise to our doing lives

We must greet it as we stumble to retrieve that first smell

Of caffeine and taste our first bite of food.

Peace must be breathed in and out

Given to everyone we touch as we stir from our homes

Shared with a welcoming smile on that trip to work

Not just written and talked about.

Peace is gained through our own actions

Peace is that special gift we can give each other

Humanities strength of allowing our brother or sister

find a place, a special place within our hearts.

And peace is gained for our world when the majority

refuse to be selfish. When our love for the other is given

as a hand up and not a push away.

PEACE is achievable if we allow ourselves to project it daily.

We breath it and then live it.

Like a smile we control it

but allow the other to control their own peace

so it can be a Peaceful World,

not just for some but for all.

In that daily place we go to work

If we project the peace

we wish it will envelope us all

We are now physically holding each others hands

so there is no way violence can be.

Our virtual holding of hands here in this poem is like how we can achieve PEACE on a worldwide scale.

And the majority will do this

As more wish for peace the gathering will become stronger

So remember when you go for lunch

Sit in peace in the sun whenever that sunlight shines not too hot then find the shadow of a friendly tree

Speak kind words to those around you

and bring a peaceful smile to that place.

See the birds and look at the flowers.

Be the peace in the world that you wish

was there. Believe in the goodness of humanity

And bring a smile to your face.

Hug the person who is closest to you whenever you can.

And remember food is not our only fuel,

love also is what must be recharged on a daily bases.

Peace is a way of life we must live and breath it.

So than our last act at night

Must be a wish, a prayer of peace, the poem.

poets for PEACEWhere stories live. Discover now