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"Imagine This"

Imagine a world

where everybody is willing to lend a shoulder on which to cry,

imagine a world

where philosophies extend further than

"me, myself and I".

Imagine a world

where wars aren't fought; a world without blood.

Imagine a world

where we helped one another,

where media portrayed more than just loss and dismay.

Imagine a world

where evil isn't the only thing we portray.

Now imagine a world

where we don't have to imagine this.

Imagine greed not running those who portray power,

imagine where fathers didn't run away from their "mistake",

where parents took the time to raise their young

and the young sang in harmony rather than malice.

Imagine a world where people were caring, not callous.

Imagine what it would be like

if everyone cared,

imagine what it would be like

to have peace.

Imagine what it would be like

if imagining this could cease.

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