
42 8 3

it follows


i go, Peace follows.

in the afternoon, Peace trots up ahead,

barely able to contain an urge to sprint

at maximum warp speed, full tilt boogie.

evening comes and Peace wants to lay

flat out and hug the planet like there's no tomorrow.

try it. Peace out.

some days i try to shake Peace off,

slip down some back alley to make a getaway.

"Peace, i just need to let off some steam," i want to scream.

but Peace... it follows me anyway. what does Peace know?

pea-ce: a tiny pea-sized sensation of calm and ease, a deep relaxation

at the center of my being. from there Peace spirals out

seeking resonance to create a positive feedback loop.

Peace generates peace, ad infinitum:

imagine two mirrors reflecting each other and you in between.

no matter how stormy life gets, Peace digs in

and takes a deep breath. and another... you catch my drift?

it's not rocket science.

what about all the people or things in life that rile you?

they get under your skin until you cringe and shudder,

ready to explode in a torrent of expletives.

Peace sends in the bucket brigade and ladders that unfold

in several dimensions at once, slowly but surely

extinguishes the blaze while offering you a glimpse

of a bigger picture, if you let it.

yeah... well, it IS up to you...

Peace'll do a lot of the fancy footwork, doggedly

keeping its resolve amid the distractions, perseverance being

its second name and second nature. you go, peace follows.

poets for PEACEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora