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Who We Are

When we can't seem to determine right from wrong,

When we can't fight our impulses

When we can't clear our mind

Of the wants of this world

When we can't face another day,

When the shadows overwhelm the light,

When love doesn't seem to be enough,

When the night

Doesn't run from the fight.

When we are scarred and torn

From the day we're born,

And we can't seem to make a sound,

Remind us who we are to you.

That we are worth something,

That our struggles mean something,

That we are not alone,

That grace actually reaches even us,

That love is actually worth the fight,

That your love is greater than the heavens are high,

That your faithfulness reaches the sky,

That you love us.

For we are broken.

We come scarred,

We come torn,

We come empty,

We come sad,

We come angry,

We come scared,

We come alone,

We come ashamed.

For we have seen struggles,

But remind us

That we are not our worst day

We are no longer bound by chains,

You are greater

Then we can ever imagine.

One day, we will walk with You,

We will fill up the heavens with song!

Let His glory resound!

Praise the Father!

Praise the Son!

Praise the Spirit in one!

All of creation, sing with us now!

Remind us who we are in God,

From the smallest child,

To the oldest among us,

We. Are. Loved.

And nothing,

Not death nor life,

Not angels nor demons,

Not the past nor the future,

Not any powers,

Not height nor depth,

Not anything else in creation

Can separate us from

The love of Christ!

And that, ladies and gentlemen,

Is who we are in Christ.

We are something so loved

That nothing ever created

Can separate us from

Jesus's love.

So bring the joy,

Bring the peace,

Bring the chance to be free,

Bring anything that brings You glory,

Because I know,

There'll be days,

When this life,

Brings pain,

But if that's what it takes to praise Him,

Jesus, bring the rain!

Author's Comments: This was written in honor of my grandfather who died the day this was written. He was one of the best men I knew, even when he had dementia. My grandfather had his opinions but he was always smiling and laughing. Even in his last days, I would sing and he would squeeze my hand each time I finished. My papa was still there.

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