A Simple Poem (AmbergrisJane)

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A Simple Poem

I've been asked to write a poem,

A simple poem of peace.

My mind began to blow a storm,

Could I write a worthy piece?

For peace has proved elusive,

In a weary world like ours.

We all want what's exclusive,

Always yours or mine, not ours.

We only need to remember,

That the world's for us to share.

A good deed for our neighbor,

Will stave off some despair.

Our deeds need not be humongous,

It's the little things that count.

Some kindness, tact and fortitude,

Can help spread peace throughout.

So keep in mind, dear brothers,

We're family, you and me.

If we learn to love each other,

Peace will follow, naturally.

I love you, and Peace be with you.

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