Chapter 19: Home for now

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The flight was nice. There were no troubles or delays. When we arrived in Chicago, we got our luggage pretty soon and went out of the airport. "Hello there. How was your trip?" It was my uncle Terry, who came to pick us up. "It was amazing!", Zac said. "How is Sibyl and the kids?", Mom asked while kissing her older brother. "They're good but the kids are sad because you're moving. But you never know, maybe we will follow you one day.", he chuckled. We managed to get all our luggage in the car and made our way back to our home for the last 2 weeks.
Unfortunately these two weeks went by way too fast. My friends and I tried to have the best time. School was more fun than ever. We just joked around and behaved so silly, but it was hilarious. Our classes were so funny. It was the end of the year and we already passed the test before our holidays. These last weeks of school are just so unnecessary. The teachers as well as the pupils just fool around and watch movies but well, as long as we have fun. "Bria, I'm actually very disappointed. I wanted you to bring me a nice French boy and where is he??" "Sorry Casey, but I couldn't. I had other things on my mind." "Like what? What is more important than getting me a boyfriend?" We all laughed and right then the bell rang making us go to our classes. "I'll tell you later." "That does sound suspicious!", Frankie said. "Does Della know?", Aubrey asked. I nodded. The first thing I fed when I entered my room, was opening my laptop and writing a very long email to Della telling her everything about France. About 5 minutes after I send the email I got a call from my best friend. I was so happy to hear her voice again and we chatted about everything that has happened recently and especially about France of course. The girls looked a bit disappointed. "I'm sorry girls. I wanted to tell you in person. See you later! Love you.", I said excusing and with that we went to class. An hour later we met again and I told them everything. With every word their jaws dropped further. After I finished there was just a simple "Wow" from Olivia who apparently found back her voice first. "I can't believe it! You've met the Lynches!" And now there were a ton of questions. From "How are they?" to "Do they look as hot as on the pictures?". "Wait, I haven't told you everything yet..." So I started with the story about me and Ross. The girls totally freaked out. They couldn't keep it together. I also told them that I wasn't sure about the two of us. They tried comforting me and for the rest of the time at school I thought about it again. On my way back home my phone buzzed. I looked at the text. "Hey gorgeous. How is my soon-Cali-girl? :-)" It was from Delly and I was happy to reply. She told me about the rest of their time in France and that they flew home yesterday. She needed a bit longer to reply and I wondered what she'll tell me when I realized I got a voice message. "Hey Bri, how's it going? Whatcha doing? How's your family? Mom, say hi to Brianna!" I laughed at Rocky's voice from me phone. "Hey Brianna!" "Briiiiii how's my little girl?" That had to be Riker. "Oh hey Brianna. We all can't wait to see you again!" That was Ross. At the sound of his voice I had to smile. All of them just asked random questions and before I could reply I was called by mom. "Bria, darling, here is someone on the phone for you." I went down the stairs to pick up the phone. "Who is it mom?" "I don't know them." Okay that will be fun. "Hello, it's Brianna?" A notice came from the phone that made me jump. "HEYYYY BRI. WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!" I must be dreaming. If I haven't gone mad yet, than I hear Ryland Lynch's voice yelling at me. "Ryland?" "Yup, it's me." "And me!", Ell said. "So the reason why we called is because we wanted to check if you have packed everything for you move!" "Thanks Ell, I have.", I giggled. It was a very nice surprise. I got my siblings and together we talked to them for nearly 2 hours. "Ok we gotta go now.", Ross said. "Ok we will see you soon!" Gina was so excited. "See you.", and so we hung up.
The next days went by and now it was time to say goodbye to my friends and to my beloved Chicago. On the last days the truck for our furniture arrived very early and my friends came by to say goodbye. We all cried but also smiled. The girls and I knew, that I will have an amazing time in Cali. "Bye girls." "Bye Bria, I'll miss you!", Aubrey said crying. Casey couldn't say anything so she just hugged me very tight. I gave Olivia a kiss, while she sobbed against my shoulder. Frankie lifted me in the air while tear dropped down on both of our faces. After the long goodbye from our friends and family we finally got into our car. Gina's head leaned against my shoulder and we both cried silently. During the long trip I tried to sleep a bit, listen to music or read a book, but not even the fact that tomorrow there will be my new life waiting for me, changed my sad mood. I will miss my friends so badly and I hope that they will come and visit me very very soon.

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