Chapter 8: Unbelievable

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A/N:I have no ideas for a few persons in my story. If you want to be one of them just comment your name and a bit of your personality. I need: - Rikers Girlfriend, -Rylands Girlfriend, and I need friends/ a best friend for Brianna in California. So please just text me if you are interested :-)

Ross POV:

"It was awesome to meet you, Brianna. I wish we had more time!" I was serious! I don't know why, but this girl enchanted me. I don't even know her properly. But by the time we stood there and said goodbye I felt very sad. "Yes, me, too! Thank you anyway!" I hugged her like  Riker and Rydel did, but I tried to make it different. I tried to show her, that I felt something different for her. Her other brother called her. "Bri, please!" "Goodbye, Ross. Maybe we'll meet again." "Hopefully!" As she left I was standing there, watching her walking to her family. "Hey." It was Rydel, together with Riker, Rocky and Ryland. "Wow! I'm really jealous, that you've seen her first!" I laughed as Ryland said that. "Do you at least got her number?", Rocky smirked. Oh no! I totally forgot about this in my sad thoughts! "Shit!", I cursed. "Please don't tell me you forgot it! I wanted to ask you, if I could have it, too, because I think we would have been really cool friends!" Rydel looked at me disappionted and angry at once. "Shit!" I was so angry at myself, I could have punched me! "Guys, please come. We want to go on. We can't stay here forever!", my dad called us. Everybody besides Riker went over to mom, dad, Ell and Caitlyn. "Hey, cheer up, Ross!", Riker said, but he wasn't very convinced himself. "Argh! I am so angry right now! I was in a miserable mood, because I'd have loved to spend more time with her, that I totally forgot to ask about it! Why am I so stupid sometimes?" "Wow! I know she looked special, but you are totally into her!" He laughed a little. "It is absurd, isn't it?" "What?" "Well I've just seen her and I barely know her, but I think I fell for her. I'm not sure. It could be possible, you know." Riker smiled. "Yes it may be absurd, but you never know. Sometimes you just see a girl and you know, that she is the one, who you're interested in. That might sound cheap, but it's true. And I have to admit: I agree with Ry!" I looked at him confused. "Why do you always meet such girls first?" We both started laughing. "Are you guys slowly finished?" "Yes, we're coming, mom." Riker turned to me. "Come on, buddy. We gotta cheer you up!" "You can try." We went over to the others and together we left the Arc de Triomph. I was thinking. 'Has she noticed, that I liked her? Does she like me? Will I ever see her again? Very unlikely but still: Hopefully!

Bri POV:

"What did you do all the time, honey?" I looked at my mom smiling at me and patting my head. "Oh I was up on the top, walking around and taking pictures. What about you?" "Well we four walked around in some streets after we finished walking around." "Did you like it, guys?", my dad asked Dylan and me. "Yes definitely!" Dylan smiled at me, beacuse I was so excited. "Yeah it was nice." "Can we please have some Pizza!", Zac asked us all. After everybody agreed we went off to find a place to get Pizza. Gina grabbed my arm and held me back a little. "Who were those people, you hung out with?" Unfortunately Dylan noticed us falling behind and joined us. "What does she mean, Bri? Did you hang out with some strangers? Did they hurt you? Did you give them anything?" "Dylan calm down! They were just some guys, who asked me to take some pictures of them and their family." At the thoughts of the Lynch family I had to smile. Georgina looked at me knowingly and smirked. "They weren't just some guys! You wouldn't smile like this!" I looked at her shocked but smiling. "What... But... Why... How?" Dylan and Gina burst out laughing because of my stammering. "Ok, come on. Tell us!" Dylan cuffed gently my shoulder. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" "Try us!", Gina begged. "Ok, but I warned you. It's unbelievable, but true! Georgie, did you see those guys clearly?" "More or less, why?" "Did you recognize them?" "Well no. I just saw some blondes, three brown-haired and one girl with black hair. Why? Who was it?" "Well. That was R5 and their family!" Dylan's and Georgina's jaws dropped! "You gotta be kidding me!", Gina said and Dylan admitted: "You're right. I don't believe you!" "See, I told you! But it's true! Gina, how many blondes did you see?" She shortly thought. "5." "Excactly. Riker, Rydel, Stormie, Mark and Ross.", I said while counting on my fingers. "Ryland, Ellington and Rocky were the three brown-haired and I guess the black-haired girl was a girlfriend of one of them. Maybe Rocky." Dylan and Gina looked at me again with a look, that told me, that they still don't believe me for 100%. Then I suddenly had an idea. I got out my phone. I had evidences. "Here, look yourself!" I showed them the pictures of Ross, Riker, Rydel and me. I smiled. Wow, I felt the feeling again of Ross wrapping his arm around me and Rydel and Riker smiling, like we all have been friends for years. Georgina's and Dylan's mouthes opened again and their jaws were nearly at the ground. "OH MY GOD! You weren't joking! You really met R5! You took pictures with them! How did it feel? Were they as cool as they appear?Were they..." "Gina calm down!", Dylan said laughing. "No I wasn't joking. I told you! It felt amazing! I still can't believe it! It was so incredible! And they definitely are as great as they appear!" "Wow, I'm damn jealous!" Dylan looked at the ground. The rest of the way they asked me lots of questions and together we gushed about them. It was so much fun! But the more I thought about it, the more disappointed it became. Why didn't we have more time? Well I think I have to take what I get. So many people would die to meet them even only for such a short time.

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