Chapter 22: New school

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All in all it wasn't hard to get used to our new home but now we had to take the next step. School was about to begin and that meant a new day to day life for all of us. Dad would start his new work, Gina, Zac and I will go to a new high school and Dylan is thinking about whether to go to university or not. Luckily mom and dad have already picked a school for us, so we wouldn't have to deal with this. Mom herself is going back to writing books, but thinks about having her own Café.
On Sunday before our first day in the new school everything was going crazy again. I couldn't find my timer in all the unpacked boxes, while Gina wouldn't go to school without having brand new equipment. Mom yelled at Dylan that he finally should decide what to do with his life and Dad tried to prepare for his new job.
"Bri, are you busy? No, great. Would you please go to your sister's room and help her finding everything she needs." Actually I was busy but apparently that didn't matter, so I got up and went to Gina's room. I knocked. "Hey, can I come in?" There was no answer. I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed crying. "Honey, what's up?" "Nothing." "Yeah I can see that. Now tell me!" "Everything is going to be new. I will get new teachers and schoolmates. I have to find new friends. What if nobody likes me? What if I won't get friends? I'm just so afraid!", she sobbed. "Shh shh, it's going to be fine! You will find amazing friends, because you are amazing! And if there's someone who doesn't like you, then he is too dumb to realize what he's missing! Calm down now. We will pack your stuff now, I'll help you to find a great outfit for your fist day and then you are prepared for school!" She nodded and so we did what I told her. In fact I was very nervous too! The same questions were spinning through my head.
The next morning my parents tried to act as normal as possible. Zac, Gina and I walked to the bus together and drove to our new school. As we got out we made our way to the principle's office to sign in. After that we made a tour around the school to get to know it. Next we received our timetables and every one of us headed to their first period. As I went around the next corner I got pushed aside by some boys, probably footballers as they were quite strong, and it happened: I felt my body hitting something or rather someone. "Ouch!" I turned around seeing a girl covering her cheek. Obviously she tried to put lipstick on and when the boys pushed me into her her lipstick drew a thick line of pink color on her cheek. I looked into her blue eyes and she looked back. I was so embarrassed that I only mumbled "I'm so sorry!" and headed on to my classroom. I stepped into the room and looked for a place where I could sit down. There was a desk in the row next to the window where I sat down. After some time more and more people came into the classroom and took their seats. Then my new English teacher came in. A tall young woman with long brown hair. "Welcome back everybody. For those who don't know me: I'm Miss Fields. I will be your English teacher for this year. Alright as I got informed we have a new student in our rows. Where is Miss Brianna Woolley?" I raise my hand. Great. Is this now like in all those movies where I have to come to the front and tell something about me? "Would you like to tell us something about you?" Apparently yes. "Well I'm Brianna, I'm 16 years old and moved here from Chicago." Miss Fields looked like she wanted to hear a bit more, but as I didn't make amends of adding something she nodded and turned to the class. I like English so I had pretty much fun in my first double period of English while all the others looked bored and played on their phones. The bell rang and everybody got up and headed out. So did I but when I walked through the rows my bracelet got stuck and with a "swooch" some books and papers flew to the floor. I turned around seeing that I just cleared everything off the table of a blonde girl. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't intend to... my bracelet got stuck and-" She looked up and I recognized her blonde hair. She was the same girl, that I pushed by accident before class. Now that I looked at her I still could se shades of as thick red line on her cheek. Now I heard some of my new classmates, who were still in the room, giggle and I immediately started blushing. I mumbled my apologies while I helped the girl cleaning up everything. "Ah good. Miss Snyder, Miss Woolley: Would you two just come to me for a second.", said Miss Fields to both of us. I gave her back her last book and together we walked up to the front. "What is it?" That was the first time the girl spoke in my presence though I apologized like a thousand times. "Amy, could you please do me a favor?" Amy, so that's her name. "Whatever you want Miss?", she said with a smile. I wasn't sure if Miss Fields was a new teacher for the whole class. Amy and her seem to know each other and get along pretty well. "Brianna is new here. Could you please help her a bit on her first day? You know show her where to go and so on. I was supposed to do this, but I can't today." Amy looked at me and I lowered my head. I still was so embarrassed that I couldn't look her into the eyes. "Sure." "Thank you Amy. You owe me one!" Miss Fields smiled at Amy and me, got up and started cleaning the blackboard. "Alright then." Amy turned around and left the room with me trotting behind her. She walked through the hallway, turned around a corner into another hallway, that wasn't as full as the others and turned to me. "Okay: Hi I'm Amy and I will be your guide today!", she said giggling. I smiled too. "Hey, I'm Brianna and I'm new here!" "Great. I see you understand humor. That's a good start! Now let me see your timetable!" She smiled at me as I gave her the sheet of paper.

What happens in Paris (A Ross Lynch and R5 Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن