Chapter 10: Lucky coin

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Bri's POV:

"Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't ...", I started to apologize and then I looked up. I looked right into the most beautiful eyes ever and the pair I would recognize EVERYWHERE. "Oh my god." That was the only thing I could say.

Ross POV:

I noticed, that it was a girl I ran into. She had long, brown, wavy hair. Riker prevented me from falling by holding my arm so I couldn't trip. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't...", the girl started to explain. I looked down at her face and she looked up into my eyes. It was the pair of eyes I couldn't forget the last days. It was HER. "Oh my god." "You can say that again!", I replied before I smiled: "Hi." "Hey." Her voice was shaking. My family just stood next to us and besides Riker and Rydel nobody knew what was going on. Both of them were smirking at each other. Then they turned around, took my family a few meters away from us to explain them what's going on. I just kept looking at the girl. I had to think about her since the first time we met a few days ago. I didn't care about what the others would say, do or just think. Brianna was simply too beautiful to care.

Bri POV:

I ran into Ross Lynch. That's not how I imagined our second meet, but anyway: I met him again and I couldn't believe my luck. For a few seconds we just stared at each other smiling happily. I saw how Riker and Rydel recognized me as well and then, grinning at each other, explained their family why we were so paralized. I looked around to see where Gina was and saw her standing a few steps next to me. Her jaw down at the floor, she was staring at each member of the Lynches and Ellington and Caitlyn. "How are you, Brianna?", Ross asked. Wow. He remembered my name. "I-I am good, what about you?" "I'm better now..." I see how he blushed and smiled. "HI Brianna. How's it going?" Rydel came over to me and we hugged. So did Riker. Both of them were smiling very hard at Ross and me. Why? "What are you doing today?", Riker asked. "Well my sister and I spend the time together but we haven't planned anything special yet, why?" "Maybe we could spend the day all together?! Just if you want and it's ok for everybody." He looked at his family. They all nodded and smiled. Especially Riker, Rydel and Ross. I grinned and looked at Gina, who was still standing totally paralized staring at them. But at least she shut her mouth. I laughed and poked her in her arm. "Hey little. Clam down! Did you hear what they asked? How about a day with R5?" Slowly she turned her head to me and looked at me. "They... It's... How... I can't...", she stuttered. Rocky started laughing, too. "What's her name?", he asked me. "Oh yes: that's Georgina. She's my younger sister. She's 12 now." "Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Rocky." Her eyes widened and she blushed. "H-Hi." "Since you stared at us, I reckon you know us?", Riker asked. "Well yes! You guys are awesome! I'm so glad that Bri called my attention to you! She already told me so much about you and our siblings and we really love your music! Well not just that. You all look so good and Bri has her favorite, too. And-" All these words came out of her mouth at once very fast. I stopped her before she will tell them how we are fangirling and adoring them all the time. That would be too embarrassing to bear. "Thanks Gina. So what do you say? Should we stay with them?", I asked her. Before she could answer Ross explained: "We planned on going on a boat trip on the Seine and after that we don't know yet." "Sounds nice.", I said and looked down to Gina. She nodded heavily. "Ok then let's go and get to know each other.", Mark said. Stormie came over to us and gave us a hug and together we headed to the river Seine. "So now I have got the cance to get to know you better.", a voice said next to me as we were walking. It was Ross. We fell a bit behind the group and I saw Gina talking to Rydel and Ellington, while Rocky was walking arm in arm with Caitlyn, Stormie and Mark talking to each other and Riker not being sure which group he should join. He decided to join me and Ross. Of course I wouldn't have minded if Ross and I would talk alone, but I really like Riker. As a friend. My heart was already given to another guy... "Yes and I can get to know you!" "Well as your sister told us, that you know quite a lot about us, that won't be as necessary.", Ross laughed and I joined. "Yes haha. I may know the things all the fans know, but this can't be everything, am I right? I still want to get to know Ross Lynch!" "Hey, what a bout me?", Riker whined with his head down. "Of course I want to get to know you, too! All of you guys!", I said and he smiled again. "So where are you from?", Ross asked. "I'm from Chicago, but after this vacation we will move from Chicago because my dad got a new job and they want to have something new I guess." "Oh cool, you're from USA! Maybe we will see each other back in America, except: Where are you moving to?", Ross asked. I looked at him. Right in the eyes. "We're staying in USA , no worries.", I laughed. "We will move to California." Ross' eyes widened and a broad smile came up to his face. "Really?! This is amazing!" "Where excactly?", Riker asked grinning, too. I showed them the picture of our house, I just had to make a screenshot of it, and told them the street. Ross stoppped walking and Riker looked at me in disbelieve. "What's up guys?" I was totally confused. "That's only a few streets away from our home!" "Really? Are you sure?" "100%." Riker said. Ross looked me in the eyes. Then we both said at once: "This is AWESOME!" That was so loud that the others heard it and now they were standing there and looked confused at all three of us. "What happened there?", Mark asked. I turned around to see Gina. "Gina, you won't believe where we are moving to!" "What do you mean?" I looked at her for a few seconds. This is one of our menatl conversations. We understand each other without saying a word. Then she understood. Her eyes got big and she said: "You don't mean... We are... Are you sure... Really?" I nodded. "We are moving to a house near the Lynch family?" I nodded again. Now she couldn't keep it together anymore. She jumped and screamed. "I can't believe it!" She came and hugged me and we all had to laugh about her going crazy. "Calm down!", I said still laughing. "Let's go on!" Gina smiled at me again but didn't scream anymore. She was just smiling from ear to ear. Just like me.

What happens in Paris (A Ross Lynch and R5 Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ