Chapter 23: The perks of being the new girl

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Amy studied my timetable while humming. "Ok come on." She roughly gave me my timetable back and continued walking. From one moment to the other her mood changed completely. I had no idea what happened. We stopped at a classroom. She entered and went straight to one of her friends, a girl with short brown locks. "Amy, where were you? I've been looking for you!" "Sorry, Trish. Miss Fields asked me to do her a favor! I had to guide the new one!", she pointed towards me. 'The new one' that hurts. Amy turned around and looked at me. "Are you waiting for the teacher to carry you in in person?", she said. I looked down and realized that we had maths in this room. I stepped inside and chose a seat in the last row. The girl sitting in front of turned around to face me. She had dark skin, dark eyes and small, frizzy black curls that framed her face perfectly. "Hi, you're new here, right? My name is Tara." "I'm Brianna.", I smiled. "Nice to meet you. I actually wanted to ask if I could borrow a pencil for this lesson. I forgot mine at home." "Oh sure." I gave her what she wanted and she turned around smiling. Why was she so nice, while Amy seemed to unlike me totally. Well I can deal with that later. Let's concentrate on maths. After maths I went out before Amy. I could make my way to history myself. "Hey new girl. Where are you going?" It was Amy who ran after me. "Going to class." "You know the way?", she asked. Okay I have to admit, that I noticed earlier that I got history in the classroom next to maths. Nevertheless I could proof that I don't need Amy and her stupid friend. "Yes of course!", I answered. She raised her hands. "Ok then. Go ahead. You don't seem to need me." I turned around, entered the class and chose a seat again. There were some faces, that I recognized from the lessons before but I didn't know a name. History went by pretty fast and I noticed, that I wouldn't have to study much to catch up the stuff they did here while I was back at home. Now it was lunchtime. The worst for new students! Going into the cafeteria, knowing nobody and having nobody to sit down with. I packed my stuff and followed the others. I saw my brother who apparently had already found some friends. I smiled at him and he nodded towards me. Of course, I forgot that older sister are SO embarrassing for boys. I looked out for my sister but couldn't find her anywhere. And then I saw it. An empty table. Walking one step faster I reached it and set down. Now I had at least a table and I gave the others the opportunity to join me. I looked down at me plate. It was a typical school meal. Nothing special but it tasted ok. I felt a stare in my neck, so I turned around. I saw Amy and her friend looking at me and then turning away. But also other students looked at me. Boys and girls. What is happening? Do I have anything in my face? I took out my phone and checked it in the camera. No everything was in place. I looked up and couldn't see what made the others stare in my direction.
After that awkward luck break I had two more hours of school before I could go home. I got into the bus, put in my earphones and made my way to our house. Man I was exhausted. At home my family talked about the first day of everyone. Even Rydel texted me and wanted to know about school. I told her everything and she gave the information on to the other Lynches.
Let's see how the next weeks will be. But I guess it won't be easy and free of drama. It's still high school.

What happens in Paris (A Ross Lynch and R5 Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant