Chapter 16: Up

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"Finally you're here. What took so long?" Stormie waved toward us to make us move faster. "Are we the last group?", Rydel asked. "No Riker and- Ah there they are! Come on, come on!" "Oh man. She's stressed again. I don't know who she reminds me of but there is someone..." "Effie from the Hunger Games!", I said immediately and without thinking causing that Rydel, Caitlyn and I started laughing so hard and loudly that not only our families to look at us confused but people who were gong by. Every time we tried to stop there was this picture of Effie in our heads and Stormie right in front of us and we started again. "There was something enormously funny.", Rocky noticed as Caitlyn hadn't even a chance to say "Hi" because of our laughter. "Never mind. Let's go if everyone is ready." "Alright Effie!", Rydel answered. We were dying of laughter but we followed her.
We got into the elevator and I talked to Ryland about school. That might sound strange but I was weird taking to someone like the Lynches about jobs or school. As Ross joined I remembered the girls question. I shook of the thoughts and continued listening to the boys. "Hey Brana, are you afraid of heights?", Ryland asked. "No, why?" "Look down." I looked out if the window and to the floor. "Oh, that's high." Ross giggled. "Why are you laughing?", I asked hitting his shoulder. "You are kind of pale... and how you looked as you saw the ground. Kinda cute." I blushed and giggled, too. "You two are gross!" "Thanks Ry.", I answered winking at him. And yes, he asked me to call him "Ry".
After a few more minutes we finally arrived at the top. We got out of the elevator and I looked around and I saw more faces going pale. Ross followed my look over to Rydel's face. "Oh oh. She's going to puke..." I laughed but went over to her to put an arm around her shoulders. "What's up sis? You're looking like you're dead." "Ross, that's not nice! You don't say that to a girl.", I said trying not to laugh. "No Bri, that's okay. I feel like I'm dead!" "You're getting used to it. Give it a few minutes." "Okay. I don't know what else to do so I believe you for now." She already smiled again. "Wow Bri, look, that's awesome!" I went over to Zac and Gina joined as well. "Wow", I whispered. "Nice, huh?" That was Riker, who was suddenly behind me. "Hey buddy, be careful, okay? I don't want you to get hurt!" Zac looked at Riker and nodded. "Wow, he likes you. He doesn't even listen to me or Dylan like that!" "Well Bri, I am not his sibling. That makes the difference." "Or maybe because you are Riker Lynch from R5 and he admires all of you." "Yes that could be possible, too." "Come here guys. It's picture time." Rocky rolled his eyes at Mark and Stormie, who already took out the camera. We went over to the others to take some pictures. After that I headed over to my parents. "Hey." I didn't know in what a mood they were so I was a bit careful. "Hey honey, is everything alright?", mom asked. "Yes I just wanted to thank you and ask you if you're fine with the fact that we're with the Lynches." "Sure. You are having fun and Stormie and Mark are really nice. Don't worry, Bri." "Thanks Dad." "Come on, go back to your new friends, who are all very nice by the way." I smiled and nodded, hugged both and went back to the others.
After a little while we went one floor down. The view was still magnificent and we had really good weather. When we all had enough of looking down at Paris we decided to go back down.

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