Chapter 14: Family meeting

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Twenty minutes later we walked to the place in front of the town hall from Paris. I looked around but I couldn't see them yet. "They are late!", my dad said with a annoyed tone. "Calm down. They won't take too long", Gina responded. "I can't believe that I'm finally meeting R5 in person! That's gonna be awesome!" "I can tell you, Zac. It will be!" Gina and Zac both were really excited to see them again or in Zac's case, for the first time. I just laughed at both and kept looking around. Then I heard something. It was like somebody was calling me. 'Oh crap, Brianna! Now you're hearing voices! You're really turning mad!' The calling got louder. "Bri! Bri!" I turned around to see if I'm really only imagining these voices. But there I saw it. A bunch of people walking in our direction. I wasn't imagining anything! There was Rydel running towards me and screaming my name over the place. Her long blonde hair flowing in the wind. A few meters behind her, there was her family. I could see Caitlyn with her black hair, Rocky next to her and the other brunettes, Ell and Ryland next to him. There was the tall Mark with the small Stormie in his arms and Riker to their left. And there was the last one. Walking next to Riker was another blonde guy. I could feel him smiling even if he was meters away. Ross. I started grinning like crazy and I couldn't keep it together. I squealed, ignoring my family, who was looking at me like I had any kind of attack, and started running towards Rydel. Before we hit each other we slowed down a bit so it wouldn't hurt when we hugged so tight like we haven't seen us in months. "Hiiiii.", she said. "Hiiiii.", I replied. I looked back to see that my family apparently got it, because they followed me towards the Lynches. "Hey, Brana!" I smiled but hit Ryland on his shoulder before I hugged him as well. Then Ellington, Rocky and Caitlyn. "Hello dear, how are you?", Stormie asked while hugging me, too. "Im very good, what about you?" Mark greeted me as well and after that I turned to a broadly grinning Riker. "Hello, Bri. Sup?" "Hi Riker. It's good to see you, too!" after hugging him, too, there was only Ross left. "Hey Brownie!" "Hey Blondie!" He smiled and came near to hug me. After we were finally finished with the 'Hello', I turned to my family. They all happily greeted Gina and I started introducing the rest. "So this is my mom Heather and my dad Christian. And that's my little brother Zachariah." Zac gave me a really mad look and I added. "I mean: that's Zac." Now it was Stormie's turn to introduce the Lynches and Caitlyn and Ellington. "Hello. I'm really happy to meet you. Brianna told us a lot about you. I'm Stormie and that's my husband Mark. And well, this is our happy big family. Our oldest Riker, our second and only daughter Rydel, that's our third Rocky, then we have Ross and our youngest Ryland.", she explained while pointing at each of her kids. "And here we have a really close family friend and kind of a son of us, Ellington Rattliff and this is Caitlyn. She's Rocky's girlfriend." "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch", my father said. "So what are we going to do today?", Mark asked. "Did you plan anything, Mr. and Mrs. Woolley?" "No we haven't planned anything yet.", mom replied. We all thought for a second when Riker suggested to go towards the Eiffel Tower and look at that and decide afterwards what to do next. "Oh yes! Good idea! It's a wonderful day and the view will be awesome. When we've been there, we hadn't got nice weather.", I said excitedly. I looked at mom and dad to see if they are ok with that. They smiled and nodded so I said: "Ok, so how are we getting there?" "Let's take the underground." So with that we all headed to the next underground station. Mom and dad walked with Stormie and Mark, Gina with Rydel and Caitlyn, Zac with Ryland and Ellington and I walked with Ross, Riker and Rocky. We were talking about random things when Rocky had the brilliant idea to ask me 10 questions I had to answer honestly. Great! I hated such things. There's always at least one question that is totally awkward to answer and you just can say the wrong thing! "Alright, let's go. First question, more or less the 'normal' things: favorite color?" "Turquoise" "Favorite food?" "Pasta alla Carbonara I guess. But that's a hard one!" "Favorite animal?" "Tiger" "Favorite season of the year?" "Spring" "Uhm, I'm running out of good questions! Favorite flowers?" "Lilies" "Favorite TV-Series?" "Charmed" I saw Ross pretending to be totally hurt so he's going to cry immediately. "I'm sorry! Austin & Ally is amazing but Charmed is just one if the best!", I laughed. He smiled to so I could see that he wasn't mad. "Do you prefer movies or TV-Series?", Ross asked as the 6th question. "Definitely movies! I'm not a good series-watcher! I always miss some episodes and loose the plot and everything." "Somewhere you always wanted to go to for traveling." "Uhm. I don't actually know. New Zealand I guess. But there are so many places I want to travel to!" "Same! Next question: best thing to do in your free time." "Listening to music! An doing anything but music always helps me to feel happy! I could do anything with music!" "Favorite band?" I blushed. Should I really say what I truly think? They will think I'm a freaking groupie! "Well actually it's you! R5! But I like nearly every kind of music, but you guys are just awesome!" Riker, Rocky and Ross grinned broadly. "Last but not least: favorite member of your favorite band!" There it is. The totally awkward question! I didn't want to answer that so I immediately said:"No! That's mean! I can't say that!" "Why not?", Riker asked. "Because: first I can't tell! I like you all so much! I can't decide. And second: I don't wanna hurt anybody!" "Come on! Tell us!", Rocky begged. "We won't be hurt!", Ross added. "No!", I said. Rocky looked at me. "You are ticklish, aren't you?" "Why are you asking?" Riker apparently got Rocky's thoughts. Ross started grinning as well! Slowly it came to me. "Oh no!" I started backing up. Away from these meanly smirking boys. They are going to tickle me until I give them an answer. Riker, Rocky and Ross got closer and I walked faster. Then I turned around and started running. I looked back and saw the three of them very near. Shit! I gotta get faster if I want to spend more time with that. I had the feeling that this wasn't the last time they're gonna chase me! "Leave me alone!", I giggled. "Nope." That was Riker next to me. Then I reached my aim. Stormie, Mark, mom and dad, who were walking and happily chatting. I joined there group and they looked at me curiously. "What's up sweetie? Are you okay?" "The boys are chasing me!", I said breathing a heavier. "Boys! Leave her alone!", Stormie said. I had the 'you-heard-it!-Leave-the-princess-alone!'-face on an giggled at their embarrassed looks. Then I walking faster and they followed me away from our parents. "So, what are you going to do when you're back at home?" I tried to change the topic of our conversation from before. Away from that unanswered question. "Well I guess we're going back to our everyday life." "And we are waiting for you and your family to contact us and finally moving to Cali!", Ross added after Riker. I laughed. "Are you really so keen of staying in contact with me?" "Absolutely!", it came from the three. "Why?" The question slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Because you're really cool and it's like we've known each other for so long!", Rocky said. "And we have loads of fun with you and your family!", Riker added. "And", Rocky started. "Rydel and you are like really close and she loves you and Caitlyn and Ell of course, too. Besides. I think there is someone here, who likes you really much! Not only as a friend." He smirked over at Ross, who immediately started blushing very hard. It was adorable how he was embarrassedly looking down and mumbling :"I don't know who you mean!" Rocky, Riker and I started laughing and so he could smile with us.

We kept on heading to the Eiffel Tower until we finally arrived at the station where we had to get out of the underground.

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