Chapter 1: Change of Plans and great news

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A/N: hey everybody. This is my very first story. I've never done anything like this, so if you have anything to say, feel free to do this. But please no hate! And I'm german and there may be some grammatic or spelling mistakes. Sorry if it happens. But I hope you enjoy it. :-) I would be pleased if you could comment the story, just to see that you like it and are keen on reading more.

*flashback: 1 year ago*

"Do you really have to move?", I said sadly to my best friend Della. "I'm sorry sweetie, but I think I do. My parents are really looking forward to work in our home country." "And you will see your relatives again!" "Yes.", she said with a sad but also happy smile. I knew that she was excited to live in Singapore again. She was born there and after she moved here when she was 2, she hasn't seen her Grandparents and other relatives for a really long time. "Della. I'm sorry darling, but we gotta go now" 'The flight 6328BN95 to Singapore Change Airport is ready to board now.' "I will miss you so much cutie! You have to promise me, that we will chat every day and you will come and visit me!" Della finally had tears in her eyes. "I promise", I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. One last hug and a kiss on her cheek and then she went to her gate. My parents, who are really good friends from Della's parents, said goodbye to the Wangs and then left the airport with me. In the car back to our house I was crying silently. Of course I had some other friends, but Della was the best of the best. What should i do without her?

*flashback ends*

"Bri?" That was the voice of my mom. "What's up mom?" That was me. Brianna Woolley. But I go with Bri or Bria. When I look into the mirror I see a girl with long, wavy, brown hair with some big curls at the edges. I see shiny blue-green eyes and a quite pale face. (A/N: i know Kira has brown eyes, but I want Brianna to have blue-green eyes :-) ) I am 16 years old and I live with my family in Chicago. Well that will change soon, but more later. First I want to introduce my family: My parents are Heather and Christian. My father works as a journalist and my mother as an author but since she got her children so she hadn't much time left to write her books, but she still enjoys writing. Then there is my older brother Dylan. He is 20 and we get along well with each other. The third child is my 14-year old brother Zac. He is a little jerk sometimes but still lovable. And the youngest is my only sister Georgina. With her 12 years she should be in a difficult age, but she is my baby sister and I really love her. I am pretty much her role model. "Bri, please come down now and bring Zac with you! We have to tell you guys something!" So I went over to Zac's room. "Did you hear that?" "Yes. 'We have to tell you guys something' doesn't sound very good, does it?", he said. "No but let's see." We went down together and saw our parents sitting on the table together with Gina and Dylan. "So what's up?", Dylan asked. "We have 2 news. One good one and one half good one. Which one first?" "The bad one!", we all said at once. My father turned his face to me and said: "I'm sorry darling, but we won't fly to Singepore in the holidays." "What?!", I said completely in shock. "But I want to visit Della!" "I'm sorry, darling, but we can't. We got some special offers for flights to Europe and we thought that would be a great vacation." "But what about Della?" "You will visit her another time, I promise! And besides. We are flying to Paris!" I always wanted to go to Paris, but not instead of flying to Singapore and visiting my best friend. This fact makes Paris so unattractive. I stoop up and wanted to leave for my room, but Gina stopped me. "Wait Bria! Before you run upstairs, I want to hear the other news." "Oh yes! That one will cheer you up sweetheart!", said my dad excited. "We will move to California, shortly after we are back from our holidays!" I think my parents expected us to jump up and party, but instead: our jaws dropped and we stared at our parents. "No! We can't!" "You can't do this!" "What about my friends?" "What about Carry?!" That is Dylan's girlfriend he has been dating for 4 months. All this was too much for me. I ran to my room and slam the door. How could my parents do this to me? First I can't visit my best friend and then I have to leave my other friends?! That is so unfair! I put out my headphones and switched the music on. Music always helps me to calm down. The sound of my favorite music and the voices of my favorite band is now floating my head. R5. I love their music and their personalities. But wait: isn't R5 living in California?!

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