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I was having a hard time answering some of these questions and Taylor could tell. He would occasionally check up on the meal then come back to see me on the same question.

He slid the laptop his direction and read out loud," Biggest fear?" He smirked. "That's easy." I heard him whisper before typing away. When he finished typing he made me look at it. "Deep water.. Why? How do you know..." I thought it over and it was true I suppose. Like, I never liked going on his boat. I needed life jacket and a paper bag.

"Shawn. These are easy to me. I know you too much. Like I can even answer the next question. See, favorite type of music? Acoustic. Favorite passing time activity? Walking during sunset with your guitar." Taylor continued to answer random questions as I smiled to him because he knew everything before I could answer. And I did agree to majority of what he has told me.

"You know me better than I know myself."

"I know."

He checked the lasagna one more time before realizing that it was cooked to perfection. He placed it on the island counter and grabbed two plates and two mugs.

"One piece for you and then me, with some ice tea, love." He handed me my items while I sat, waiting patiently. "I'd love to see how this tastes! Oh gosh."

Taylor made a small slice with his fork and placed it by his lips as they slid against the metal. "Aw it's not to bad." He smiled before feeding me some. My lips tasted the mixture of rosemary and red sauce. "Not to bad. Thank you, Tay."

"Hey, let's make a video for your profile intro!" Taylor suggested. I shrugged, I really don't want to. He insists I do just for more publicity and insight on me.

So, Taylor set up the video camera on the laptop and positioned me in the middle.

" Hi... I'm Shawn Mendes. Seventeen and I like music, maybe if you listen to my lyrics it'll be able to impress you enough to want to message me on here. Hockey and muffins are fun. People like choosing me as a partner and I mean in the classroom. I'm very intelligent. Well uh..."

Taylor cut me off and gladly sat besides me with his arm over my shoulders.

" And if you were bored or did not care one bit about him, or something about him threw you off, well fine. You're not worth his time so I suggest whatever you don't like about him now shows that you honestly can't handle this perfect little innocent muffin. Uh bye bye, also, if you do like him be sure to add him and leave a message. "

This was the side of Taylor I loved. He wanted to talk about how he would beat anyone up that showed me disrespect but I told him it would only scare the fellas away.

"Movie time?" He asked. "Or we can go for a walk like you suggested earlier?" I still like night walks. "Okay how about I play a movie on phone as we walk?" I love Taylor being in the middle of things, it was never choose one side only. "Yes. Best idea yet."

Sometimes, okay all the time, I really wish Taylor liked me back. I mean look, I do think he feels miserable for me and I feel like that's one of the reasons why he made me this website but another reason is that he wants me away from him.

Once I find someone that isn't Taylor, I will get caught up with my new significance that I don't have time for him and my feelings are gone. I think that is Taylor's intention.

We got outside and he insisted that we take his bicycle to go to this old map we use to love hanging out in. It wasn't much, literally just the side of a lake but it had the best sight. I'd say better than looking at Taylor.

"Shawn.. I need to tell you something." Taylor asked pulling me to a log.

"You know I'm aware that well... Let me word this differently." I was having a hard time making eye contact because I felt like this type of news would be really awkward.

"Alright I'm ready. One question. Have you ever liked me?" Taylor fumbled his fingers not daring to take his eyes off me.

"Where, haha, where did that come from! No of course not. I know that all I am to you is a best friend. It will stay that way." I laughed it off, feeling terrible for lying.


We decided to walk until the sunset went down. I felt just a little sad on how I couldn't confess my feelings. And I'm sure he knows that I have liked him before. Like he is not the smartest, but he should know. Especially how he started to word that conversation, he even used the word 'aware.'

He knows I like him! I don't know why he questions me anyways. It just makes me confused when I have to tell myself that I can't like my own best friend.

We got to the house and realized the laptop was on. It was nearly nine and his family wasn't home yet so we decided that I would just stay over even though it wasn't a plan.

Together we walked up as he pulled the sheets off and took some blankets and threw them on the floor.

Taylor left the laptop on my night stand just to check up on notifications later.

As already stated, Taylor and I hardly spend time together aside from school, and when we do, we make it count.

He allowed me to cuddle under his arms as he put the thin sheets over our heads. He says that when there are light blankets it's likely for me to get cold and it's cute that he gets the opportunity to share each other's body heat. I like the idea too, it's an excuse to get close to him. But he doesn't see it as anything anyways.

"Thank you Taylor. Happy Valentines, thank you for being mine. Love you, sweet dreams, sleep tight." I mumbled into his chest.

He started to yawn and pulled me closer, having full access of my body on hum. "You made this night rememberable for me."

With that we slept in comfortable silence as the lightly cracked window inhaled the cold wind that made us closer.


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