Chapter Three: Ghost

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-Your P.O.V.-

My entire body went numb. Ghost? He's all over the news. He kidnaps people and kills them. No one ever finds their bodies again. I'm not even going to ask what he does with them. That'll just give me more nightmares at night.

He made his way over to me, but I scooted back as faraway as I could from him. "You're a monster!" I exclaimed before breaking out into more tears. He sighed.

"Oh, Princess. Don't be afraid of me. I wouldn't hurt you. Even when I punish you, which I haven't forgotten about, it's because you misbehaved. Not out of cruelty."

I glared at him as he gently stroke my cheek with his fingers. I wanted to vomit from his icy cold touch. I need to find a way out of here, but with him watching every move I make, that would be quite challenging.

I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I didn't even bother to push him away when he comforted me. He stroked my hair gently. "Sh, don't weep, young one. I'm going to love you for forever and ever. No one can ever take you away from me." Ghost reassured me. I still didn't want to call him by his first name. Ghost is what I know him by and so does the rest of the country.

"I hate you."

"If you hated me, you wouldn't be here still." Ghost countered.

"I'm not here by choice! You're keeping me against my free will!" I exclaimed in hysterics.

"Sh, darling. You've had a though day. You need a nap." He coo'd before carrying me on his hip into another room. I don't understand how he's not having any trouble carrying me. It's like I'm a feather when it comes to him carrying me around.

"You'll sleep in here since I got work that needs to be done and since you can't be trusted unsupervised." Ghost explained before laying me in the bed. There were cameras in each corner of the room and a baby monitor in the roof. Even if I stood on the bed, I wouldn't be able to reach it. "Try any funny business and I will know about it. That includes touching yourself inappropriately. Only I can do that." He smirked. I glared at him.

"You disgust me."

"I know you enjoy it. I've seen you do it."

My mouth opened in shock and disgust Ghost tucked me in and kissed my forehead. "Rest well, my precious little flower. I'll be back to check on you. If you need anything, holler. I'll be able to hear it."

Ghost walked out the room, leaving me alone for once. I actually didn't mind being in here. Gives me time to think. He might able to see my actions and hear my words, but the one thing he can't do is read my thoughts.

-Justin's P.O.V.-

I jogged down the stairs after tucking y/n in. You had an eventful day today and needs rest. You probably needs to take a nap everyday. I'll write it down in my journal about you. That's where I keep all the stuff you like, need, and want.

Walking into my basement, I turn on the light. I had the baby monitor clipped onto my skinny jeans pocket so I'll be able to hear everything you do. Plus the bed is squeaky so I'll know if you gets up. I'm a genius, I know.

I smiled at all the pictures I had of y/n. Most of them where you in the shower since you never saw the hidden cameras. The things you're so oblivious too. Other pictures were of y/n sleeping. It's even my screensaver on my iPhone six plus. So precious.

Opening a fresh page of the journal, I wrote about you trying to escape. It's so cute how you thinks you can escape from me. I'm your soulmate. Doesn't you feel the same way I do? No one can love you like I do. I'm the most important thing in your life now, not anyone else. Why would you try to escape from my tender care and affection?

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