Chapter Twenty Seven: Bad Day

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-Your P.O.V.-

"Get off of her!" Justin demanded as he pulled me off of Marcie.

"Let me at her! I'll kill that bitch! Let me go!" I spat, squirming in Justin's arms like a young child throwing a fit in the store.

Justin carried me out of his office and set me on the ground.

"What the hell were you thinking, y/n?" Justin spat.

"That bitch was asking for it, Justin. She made me snap!" I exclaimed.

Justin rolled his eyes, not believing my story. 

"I knew you couldn't handle coming to work with me." Justin sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

My eyes grew sad. Even though I don't regret beating up Marcie, I hated when Justin was disappointed in me.  

"Lets go. I'm taking you home." Justin commanded. 

I sighed and followed him to the elevator. I knew I should be the one angry in this situation. Justin was the one who didn't tell me that him and Marcie were a thing. Then he had the nerve to leave me alone with her knowing I've never trusted her to begin with.

The elevator ride seemed like forever. The uncomfortable silence was constricting my throat to where it felt difficult to breathe. How'd I become so weak? How'd I let a man like Justin take away my dignity? I once owned a gang and now I'm back to being Justin's punching bag. This isn't what we are suppose to be.

The elevator doors open, letting the cool air rush inside. I didn't realize I was slightly holding my breath until I gasped. Justin didn't even seem to notice. 

We walked to the car and hopped inside. Justin didn't take any time to speed out of the business parking lot and onto the main roads back home. I kept my view on the passing by cars. My mind was occupied with unpleasant thoughts. How stupid could I possibly be?

Austin loved me so much. I could see it in his eyes. He treated me like a normal human being. We owned the gang together and he was always on my side. He hardly ever laid his hands on me unless it was for sexual interaction. 

Justin, on the other hand, I have to question if the love is truly there.At times I enjoy his company, but he makes me feel so small. So less than. He tears my self esteem down so much that I'm vulnerable and dependent on him. This isn't what love is suppose to be. 

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice we have arrived home. The slamming of Justin's car door made me snap back into reality. 

I know what I have to do. 

I open the car door and step outside. The air seem stiff. I felt like I had to cut it with a butcher knife to even walk a simple step. Maybe I'm just exaggerating. 

I walked to the front door and inside the house. Justin was leaning on the sofa, waiting for my arrival. I knew a fight was about to breakout and I was not looking forward to it. I didn't want to be our final words to be out of anger. 

"What the hell has gotten into you lately, y/n? You usually never act like this."

"I told you I don't like her." I gritted out, on the verge of tears. 

Justin gazed at me.

"I obviously can't leave you alone."

"And why is that?" I questioned. "I haven't been able to earn your trust just yet after all the shit we've been through in this past year?" 

"You know I trust you, y/n. It's just-"

"You obviously don't trust me, Justin or else you wouldn't have left me with Marcie." 

Justin let out a sigh.

"This lifestyle is hard and you know that." 

I chuckled scornfully.

"No, I really don't. Remember my "little gang" isn't shit compared to yours. Plus I'm just suppose to be so weak I actually depend on you like I'm some sort of child!" I snapped. 

"I'm just taking care of you! God dammit, why don't you see that?" Justin spat.

"You're not taking care of me! You're undermining my confidence so I'm forced to be with you," small sobs began to breakout at this point, "this isn't fair. I love you, Justin. I really do, but you make it hard to be with you." 

Justin walked over to me and stared down into my eyes. I saw sadness and frustration filling his hazel orbs. He was hurting deeply by my words yet he'll never admit it. 

"When will you get it into your head that I'm not easy to love?" He whispered. "I'm fucked up and I've lost a lot. You're the only one I have left and I need to do whatever it takes to keep you."

I looked down. I couldn't meet his gaze much longer. 

"All I do is put stress on you," I look at him again, "Austin is still out to find me and you still need to beat the asshole who murdered your parents..." I trailed off.

Justin's expression turned confused and worried.

"What are you saying?"

I had to look down again. This is killing me more than Justin knows. We're not good for each other and we both know this. This toxic love is slowly killing us, but we both can't seem to let it go. 

I'll be the one if I have to.

"Maybe it'll be best if I leave. We are enemies, Justin. Our love from the start was us being enemies. I was going to be a lawyer and now I'm part of a rival gang. We're crazy to think this will ever work." 

"Y-You don't mean t-that.." Justin stammered, his voice cracking slightly as he was about to let a tear drop from his beautiful orbs.

"You can find love with Marcie again." I whispered. 

"But I don't want her!" Justin spat, sending chills down my spine. "I want you, y/n! Why can't you see the love I have for you? You're my fucking world! Y-You can't l-leave me!" 

Tears of anger and sadness were now streaming down Justin's face. He was hurting deeply, but I was too. I deserved royalty and some normalcy. 

"Please don't make this harder than what it already is.." I mumbled. 

Justin chuckled in insanity. 

"You're not fucking leaving me." He growled. 

I made the mistake of meeting his dark gaze. Those beautiful caramel orbs turned into dark madness. I knew Justin wasn't going to let me leave easily. After all, he did kidnap me and recaptured me several times. 

I slowly backed towards the door before taking off in a sprint. Justin wasn't prepared for my sudden escape plan as he was a few steps behind. The sky was filled with silver due to the rain clouds above. Thunder cracked as Justin cursed my name and chased after me. I didn't have an escape route idea, but I couldn't be kept hostage. Someday he'll realize on what I'm doing is for mostly his benefit.

Rain slowly began to fell before breaking out in a downpour. It was hard to see and I was running out of breath. I looked behind me and I couldn't see anything within the rain. 

The only thing I heard was Justin screaming my name before giving up with a simple "I love you."

That left a scar on my heart for forever. 

A/N: This chapter is incredibly short and I'm really sorry. I'm also sorry for the news I'm about to share with y'all. Good news, I finally got a job. Sad news, I'm going to be busy working and school starts on the tenth of August. Plus, I'm trying to edit my "Captured" series to make it better than what it was. So, I have a lot going on. But I have the rest of this week free so I'm going to try to update as much as possible. But when I go to work, don't think I forgot about y'all. Don't think this book has ended. I'm just going to have to learn how to juggle it all. Thank you for the understanding and the love for this story! xo

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