Chapter Seventeen: All A Blur

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-Your P.O.V.-

It's been a week. I'm losing hope in every getting out of here. It was dark and cold in this room. Ian hasn't even bothered to check on me. Why would he? I'm not exactly his favorite person on the planet. I should be more concerned about escaping this hell hole, but my thoughts keep wandering back to Justin. His firm grip when he held me, his lustrous caramel eyes, his beautiful smile, and his sexy raspy voice in the morning. The little things I missed about him.

More tears streamed down my face as I reminisced. The only thing that keeps me warm anymore is my sobs. I haven't seen the sunlight in what felt like years. Food hasn't entered my body in days. My ribs were practically showing. I knew better than to beg for a nice, hot meal. Ian feeds off of other peoples suffering. 

The huge metal door opened with a loud creak, exposing bright light to shine on my face. I'm unaware if it's daylight or just electricity since I've been stuck in this pitch black room for days.

"Come with us." Ian said. I was still blinded by the bright light, but I followed his commands. We walked out to his car. The night time sky shined bright from the full moon. I've always enjoyed the view of the massive planet. Ever since I was in that dark room, I can't remember the beautiful things that I use to love. The only thing my mind could ever seem to think about was Justin.

Climbing into the car, Ian drove in silence. I didn't even bother to ask where he planned on taking me. Ian wouldn't tell me all the other times. Why would he now?

An hour past. The silence still fulfilled the car. I didn't want to talk to Ian, anyways, so I didn't mind it. I daydreamed about being in Justin's arms again. This was more than just a crush. No, it was much more. His presence overwhelms me. The electricity I feel just moments before our lips finally meet. It's breath taking. Truly marvelous and disgusting all at once. I'm falling in love with a murder. The man who has stripped my life away from me. My heart beats for him and I'm begging for his sweet, gentle touch upon my skin.

Ian parked the car in the hospital parking lot. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Why are we here?" I asked. He looked back at me.

"Ask for a checkup. You need it."

"You're not going with me?"

"Do you want me to?"

I got out of the car and started walking towards the hospital entrance. Ian slowly drove beside me like a stranger trying to attract a kid into their kid by offering free candy.

"Y/n, don't mention my name at all. No matter who ask."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I see Ian's car peel off in the distance, the friction against his tires made a screeching noise. Sighing, I walk inside the hospital. I was quite dirty since I have lacked a shower in days. I didn't want anybody seeing me this way, but I needed help.

Going up to the front desk, a big lady, in scrubs, typed away on her computer.

"Excuse me," I mumbled. "I need a checkup."

She looked up at me before continuing to type. "Sign in the fill out sheet."

I looked beside me to see a clipboard with a stack of papers on it. Taking one along with a pen, I go to the chairs and start filling out the information. As I began writing, I heard shouting in the back. Deciding to ignore it, I kept writing. But the voice sounded like it was getting closer.

"Get the fuck off me," a familiar voice scoffed. "I don't belong here."

There, he stood. My heart dropped into the black hole that formed inside my stomach. The man who's been haunting my thoughts was right in front of me. He was wearing a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, with some black boots. His hair was in a quiff, an expensive, all gold watch hugged his right wrist with a gold chain necklace around his neck to match.

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