Chapter Fourteen: Silence

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-Your P.O.V.-

"What the hell are you doing?" Ghost spat.

"I-I was..uh.."

"Why can't you just keep well enough alone, y/n? You've done nothing but gotten yourself in a heap of trouble!" Ghost exclaimed in fury.

"I-I'm s-sorry, G-Ghost." I stammered in fear.

Ghost walked over to me and firmly grabbed my arm. I let out a whimper in pain as he dragged me out of his office, down the stairs-the elevators would've took too long-, and to his car. I got in the passenger seat, not putting up any fuss or trying to plead my case. When Ghost is angry, there's no use in arguing with him. Fighting with him is like trying to solve a crossword puzzle but realizing there's no right answer. Somehow, I could understand why he didn't want me to find out about his family. It was opening a door to a soft spot in his heart and even though he claims he loves me, he wouldn't allow me in his heart completely. You can't be truly in love with someone if you don't know them. His crazy, twisted brain makes him believe that he's in love with me.

The car ride was silent. I didn't mind. I was too busy in thought to speak anyways. Part of me wanted to help Ghost. He was severely damaged and it showed. The death of his parents is what caused him to turn into a murder. He wants people to feel the pain he feels deep down inside. I guess if I went through a tragedy like that, I would be doing the same. Some things scar you for life and change your perspective.

We pulled up to the house. Ghost got out of the car without saying a word. He's probably coming up with some diabolical plan to punish me. I followed behind Ghost as we walked inside the house. I was nervous for my punishment, but at least I got the answers I've been looking for.

When we walked inside the house, Ghost didn't say a word to me. No demands, no lecture, no arguing. Just silence.


He gazed at me with a look in his eyes that said it all. You've gone too far, y/n.

The day passed by slowly. Being in the same room with Ghost was so uncomfortable. A thick, awkward silence filled the air. It was like sitting with a stranger. Of course, Ghost is a stranger whose decided to kidnap me and make me his own, but we were starting to get to know each other. Now we're back at square one.

We were both sitting on the sofa, watching some random show that he decided on. Ghost didn't seem too interested on the screen. He was in deep thought. If you looked close enough into his eyes, you could probably see a film play of all his childhood memories. I would apologize for invading his privacy if only I knew what to say.

Dinner time rolled around and Ghost was in the kitchen. I decided to bug him into talking to me. Ghost was a tall man, standing about six foot one. I was about in the lower five foot area, so getting his attention might be a little difficult. I've never received the silent treatment from Ghost before so I'm not quite sure how long Ghost can put up this charade.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, giving him a sideways hug. "I'm sorry, Ghost." I mumbled. He didn't even acknowledge my existence. I decided to keep hanging onto him as he cooked. He'll have to shrug me off eventually. But as the minutes passed, he kept cooking taco meat. i grunted in annoyance. He really is going to keep this game going. Fine, if he wants to play. Lets play.

I hugged his right leg, wrapping my legs around it as well. Ghost payed no attention to me as he walked to the fridge to retrieve something. I just kept hugging his leg. He'll get sick of this eventually. I just know it.

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