Chapter Fifteen: Missing Him

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-Justin's P.O.V.-
I parked the car outside of the gates at the local cemetery. A dim fog covered the area, making it look like a scene from a thriller movie. I wasn't afraid, though. Anyone who has pinned themselves up against me were sorry. Few ass whooping's and a bullet through the skull was a great way to silence someone.

Climbing over the gate, I walk to the spot where my parents graves laid. I knew this cemetery like the back of my hand. I've been here plenty of times that I could tell you the names of other headstones. If you couldn't have already tell, I've been here many times. An owl hoots in a nearby tree. I wasn't sure of the time. I've lost track hours ago. I should be coming home to y/n, but right now, all I want is my mom and dad.

Once I get to their headstones, tears blurred my vision. Luckily, no one could see me since it was after hours.

"Hi, mom." I whisper as I lay in front of her headstone. Tears flowed from my eyes. I didn't even attempt to stop the flood that was occurring. A murder has feelings, too, you know?

"Y/n found out about you guys today.." I trailed off. "I'm not mad that she found out, honestly. I'm upset because I sill haven't found the bastards who took you away from me."

"Do you know how much I miss you guys?" My tears flowed into the grass. I didn't care about what could be lurking in it. I just wanted to be close to my parents. I carried on weeping, letting the crickets sing to me. Anger grew inside of me. Not towards them, but towards myself. I should've caught Owen a long time ago. I can't keep on procrastinating.

I stood up on my feet, brushing off any grass that laid on my dark skinny jeans. "I will get him," I wipe my nose on my leather jacket, "and I will make sure he will pay."

-Your P.O.V.-
The room was cold and dark. My hands were chained up to an old beat up wall. I wonder how many girls they held hostage was here. I felt sorry for them. These men already have beaten me up on the way here. I just asked a simple question and then boom, a punch to the face.

A conversation the men were having in a foreign language made me grow nervous. I didn't understand what they were saying nor did I know the language. If I didn't understand what they were discussing, that means I have no clue on what they're going to do to me. That doesn't give me time to prepare for the impact.

Even though I was locked up in this room, I couldn't help but think of Ghost. Was he even home yet? Does he know I'm missing? Would he even go out looking for me? He didn't seem like he wanted me around anymore. The hatred he had in his caramel orbs killed me. Maybe this is for the best. If these men kill me, Ghost won't have the burden of me anymore. He can catch the killers who killed his parents. He'll find a new girl and be happy. She may let him in more easy. More easy than I ever did. The sad part is that I actually miss Ghost. His naked body pressed against mine, the friendship we were slowly starting to build. It was something I honestly never saw coming. I should be happy to be away from him, but I'm not.

"Hey, slut." The man's voice called. I figured out on the way here that his name was Ian. I didn't care to know his name, though. I just wanted to be back with Ghost.

A hard slap struck my bruised face. I let out a small whimper in pain. "What was that for?" I dared to ask. Another slap to my face was my response. "What did I say about asking questions?" Ian growled.

"Not to."

"Good girl."

Ian took off the tight chains that were wrapped around my wrist. I rubbed the marks that were imprinted into my skin. Without warning, Ian's two men picked me up by the arms and dragged me to a new destination.

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