Ch. 2: You're Not Cheryl Cole...

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“Good luck!!” I said, kissed Louis on the cheek, and stood back to smile at him in his suit. He was off to his interview today and as much as he had going for him, he was still nervous.

“Thanks, babe,” he replied with a small smile and left. I had a free day to myself today. I didn’t start my new job for another two days, and I had already resigned at Words & Tea. As a result, I was bored.

I took my phone out and dialed Ashley’s number.

“Hello?” she replied on the second ring.

“Hey! Busy today?”

“No, not today, what’s up?”

“Want to hang out?”

“Sure! You can come on over if you’d like,” Ashley offered.

“Alright! I’ll be there soon.”

          We hung up and I left to go sit at the bus stop that would take me on the appropriate route to my friend’s house. I was still uncomfortable with the idea of getting a license here because driving on the opposite side still freaked me out. As much as I don’t like public transportation, I’ve gotten used to it and accepted it. It was a bitterly cold January day with bouts of light showers here and there. Thankfully it was dry right now. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I pulled it out to see my dad calling.


“Hello?” I reluctantly replied, slightly surprised he was calling at such a late hour in his time zone.

“How are you doing, Jovi?” he asked seriously.

“Wait…what’s wrong? You never ask how I am right off the bat. You always ask about work,” I said, confused.

“Oh stop being dramatic, Jov, really, how are you?” he repeated sternly.

“I’m fine. I’m on my way to a friend’s house…how are you?”

“Worried, sweetie, I’m really very worried. Your mother and I were talking about your little idea with Louis and-“

“-It isn’t a little idea, dad. We are serious. We want to get married. I don’t care if you don’t like him, you have no reason to, you’ve never even met him!”

“Jovi, listen to me, this is your first long-term relationship, just because you can stay with a guy for a little over a year doesn’t mean you need to spend the rest of your life with him. People change,” he explained.

          I sat down at the bus stop and sighed.

“Dad, I know you and mom like to control your kid’s lives. I’m sorry I’m not doing what you guys want me to do. But you still have Audrey to manipulate, and from what I can remember, you’re doing a great job with her.”

“Do not bring your sister into this!” he puffed, “Audrey is a good girl, she follows the guidance we suggest to her, we don’t force her to do anything. Look where she is now, valedictorian in her senior class last year! Corn Princess in the towns parade! She is taking a year off before going to college, and she is spending it wisely! She volunteers at homeless and animal shelters, and she keeps up on world news!” boasted my dad.

          Audrey was always the favorite – younger siblings usually are. It sickened me that I was always compared to her, and one of the reasons I left America in the first place.

“Great for her dad. But newsflash! I’m not her!”

“But if you would just act more li-“

Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now