Ch. 14: Out

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“Louis!!!” I called out as he slammed the door behind him. I had rarely seen him angry, but when he is, he doesn’t communicate well. He works more through actions, whether it be yelling (ie: my parents) or pacing (ie: when Grease was taken away from him last year) or in this case…well, I wasn’t sure what he had planned and that scared me. I ran out, following him to the elevator.

“Wait!” I exclaimed and hopped in before the doors closed. He hardly acknowledged me, the look on his face was cold and hard, something I had never seen before.

“Lou, please don’t go over there!”

He stared at me hard for a minute and I said, “At least tell me where we stand. Please? Are you mad at me? What’s going on between us?”

          The doors opened and I followed him outside to his car. Before he got in he said harshly, “I wouldn’t have been upset with you if you told me right away. But you didn’t. You kept it from me. You know what that makes me think? You had something to hide. Like you’re not telling me the whole truth. Did you really not kiss back, Jovi? Really? Who’s to say you didn’t? Who’s to say you didn’t enjoy that fucking kiss?!”

          Never has Louis spoken to me this way. It was rude, and cold, and not understanding at all. It stung and made a lump appear in my throat.

“I-I told you…Louis I told you the truth…you have to believe me. Please?” I croaked out. In response he glared at me, got in his car, and drove away.

          I numbly made my way back to our flat, trying my best not to cry. Trying my best to compose myself. I was so mad at Liam right now, he was the first person I thought of to call for help, but I couldn’t because he was the one who started this whole thing!

          I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and saw Perrie calling me.

“Hello?” I answered meekly.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, immediately picking up on my quivering voice.

“Can…can you come over right now?” I asked, barely holding back a sob.

“Yeah, what happened?”

“Louis…Liam…” I managed before breaking.

“I’m on my way, I’ll be there soon.” She hung up, and I knew that when Perrie wanted to get somewhere she would get there within minutes.

          While I waited for her I curled up on my couch and sobbed. I couldn’t get Louis’ hardened face, his cold voice, out of my mind. The fact that it was directed toward me was so shocking, because it never had been before. It was like something changed in him. I had no idea what he was going to do to Liam, but I didn’t really care at the moment, to be honest.

          I heard my front door open and close and Perrie came rushing over and immediately brought me into her arms and let me cry. Her usual perfume filled my nose, smelling of coconuts and lime, something I’ve always liked.

“P-promise you w-won’t tell?” I asked, looking at her with bloodshot eyes.

“Of course I won’t,” she replied genuinely.

So I told her everything that happened up until today.

“And you didn’t enjoy it at all?” she clarified.


“Then Louis shouldn’t be mad at you. I mean, okay, you should have told him right away, but you told him within the first twenty-four hours, that’s got to count for something!”

Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now