Ch. 17: Keep Your Head Up

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A/N: So the dress is on the side, I would have waited to post it until their wedding day, but I would have forgotten. Sorry if it’s a boring chapter, but hey, Jovi got her dress!! Yay! What do you think of it? I know it's kinda streched out :/

Also, I might be a little slower at updating, because school work is getting tough. I also happen to have a date Saturday, so…ahh!! Wish me luck!

Perrie and Zayn came over later that morning. Zayn and Lou were looking at maybe going together to get new tattoo while all the girls went wedding dress shopping. We had an appointment in London at the bridle boutique at two in the afternoon and were picking Audrey up on the way there.

“Are the other girls going to be here soon?” asked Perrie.

“Yeah, we’re taking two cars right?” I clarified.

“Yeah, Louis’ mum said she would drive too.”

The front door opened and in walked Katrina and Danielle.

“READY TO FIND YOUR PERFECT DRESS!?!” Kat exclaimed. I smiled, hiding my dislike for the day’s events. My phone buzzed and I looked at my text from Jay.

Jay: Should be there soon! Can’t wait to see what we find! Xx

Me: I’m so happy you’re coming, thank you!

Jay: Of course, dear:)

          It was nice that I was having my mother-in-law come, it was one of the few times I really needed a mom in my life, and I couldn’t ask for a better substitute. Besides, I think she would understand my hesitancy about dress shopping. It’s stressful and nerve-wracking. Ashley came in after a knock on the door and I realized she would probably understand as well, but for different reasons. I didn’t have to worry about my arms and legs like she did, and it made me feel kind of silly for being insecure about worrying if I would find the right dress or not.

“Where is your mum, Lou, she’s always late!” Zayn said with a laugh.

“I resent that!”

We turned around to see the one and only Jay with a playful glare pointed toward Zayn who blushed and said, “My you look lovely today!”

“Mhm, keep it up, Malik,” she said with a smile.

“Are we all here?!” Danielle asked, doing a head count.

“Yes?  Then we’re off!” We said goodbye to Louis and Zayn and piled into the two cars. I rode with Jay and Katrina while Danielle, Ashley, and Perrie got in the other car.

          Once we were on the motorway, Katrina asked, “You don’t seem as giddy as the rest of the girls, and it’s not even them we’re shopping for, what’s up?”

“Exactly what I was wondering,” Jay added.

I sighed and replied, “I know what you guys are going to say, but what my mom said still affects me. I mean maybe I won’t find a dress that flatters my body. What if I just settle? You always hear of girls who find the ‘it’ dress, but what if I can’t find one I look good in, and I just settle and I don’t even look pretty at my own wedding?” I confessed.

          “You’re beautiful, you freak, you don’t have to worry about not finding the right dress! If anything you’ll have too many ‘right dresses’ to choose from!” Katrina reassured, but Jay gave me a sympathetic look.

“The truth is, is you will find a lot of dresses you like on the hangar, but not on you. There will be a lot of dresses than look better on models than you. But if you know what you want going in there, and you keep going at it, you’ll find it, I promise you will. Do you know what you want?”

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