Ch. 5: Moms and Mums

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The rest of the week went by fairly smoothly. I got in another fight with my mom because I told her I wasn’t ready to start planning yet, which was a lie, I just didn’t want her around. But now that the weekend is here, I can’t put off seeing her anymore. Hence the reason I’m in their lavish hotel room with my crazy mother.

“Before we even think about venues, we need to make a guest list. Certain places can only hold so many people, you know,” she said and sat down with two bottles of vitamin water.

“I asked for a Sprite,” I said.

“Yes, but you’ll need to fit in your wedding dress – which by the way we need to go shopping for – so you must go on a new diet. Absolutely NO junk food.”

I resisted the urge to sigh and said, “That is what the fittings are for. I’ll have an appointment when I pick one out and one closer to the wedding and they will take in or take out the dress if need be. I don’t need a diet, mom.”

          She gave me a once over and said, “It’s no secret you’ve gained some weight since moving here.”

This made me blush. Had I? I didn’t see how that was possible, when I first moved here I was starving, and even still, their portion sizes are smaller here than in America, I should have lost weight, not gained it…But what if I had…?

“Anyways…back to the guest list,” she said, “I’ve already called all your aunts and uncles and grandparents up and no surprise, they aren’t very supportive of this rushed wedding with some drama teacher.”

“I will warn you right now, mom, if you make one more comment about Louis’ job I will walk out of this room.”

“Okay, okay…well all I mean to say is that you won’t be having a very big turn out from our side of the family.”

“Mhm, and what does that mean?”

“Well you know how busy everyone is, and flying out to England would be a bit of an inconvenience…”

“It’s for a wedding!” I exclaimed.

“So write this down,” she ordered, ignoring my comment, “there’s me, Audrey, and your father, your Aunts Marsha and Bethany are coming with Bill and Gary. Your Grandma Donelle and Grandpa Seth…hmm, that’s about it actually, oh, and your cousin Fran.”

          I wrote all their names down, not that there was that many. I had a large family, like ten aunts and uncles and double that for cousins. At least Fran was coming. We always got along the best out of everyone.

“So that’s it for you!” my mom exclaimed.

“No, I have my old landlord I’m inviting,” I said, writing Fred down.

“Who is he?”

“He is a really nice old. He’s kinda like a father figure in a weird way,” I said smiling. My mom frowned.

“You don’t need a ‘father figure’ when you have a perfectly good father already.”

“He is like my dad away from dad,” I explained.

“You didn’t need to be away from your father and me in the first place. You didn’t have to move over here.”

“Yes, yes I did,” I replied calmly.

“No! It’s all one big mistake! Now look where you’re landing up! Engaged to some random boy!” she shrieked.

“Good God, mom! If you don’t want me marrying Louis so much, why are you helping with the planning? It seems a little counterproductive to dad trying to get him to break up with me!”

Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now