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A/N: You guys are on the same wave length as me, you were talking about what was gunna happen in here already, so so much for the surprise! But There’s another one.

Thank you so much for reading, everyone, you’re all fantastic comment leavers and I love hearing from you. You all seem like great people and thank you for giving my story a chance:) I really wish I could formally dedicate this to you all.

          Louis and I dragged our suitcases in our front door and dropped them as soon as we got inside. We had just returned from our honeymoon and it was life changing. Our personal tourist time was fantastic, but helping the kids through Comic Relief was a whole new world. They were all such great people and it’s horrible some of the things have to go through.

“Uh oh…” I muttered and ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time before throwing up in the toilet. I had been doing this spontaneously throughout the honeymoon and just told Louis I wasn’t used to the food in Africa but something else was wrong. I didn’t realize it at the time because of all the wedding stress, but I had missed my period. I thought back to my wedding day when I puked and part of me wondered if that didn’t have anything to do with nerves at all…

          I pulled a small box out of my purse and pulled out the pregnancy test.

“Oh boy…”I whispered to myself.

I did as the instructions said and then waited.

And waited.

And waited.

There was a knock on the door and Louis called out, “Feeling okay, Love? Do you need some medicine?”

“I’m fine! Just getting cleaned up!” I replied.

I heard him walk away and I breathed out a small sigh. I looked down to the little stick and a strangled gasp escaped me.

Positive. It had the little plus sign.

          I cleaned it up and put it in my back pocket before finding Louis in the kitchen looking for a snack.

“Hey, so Liam texted me just now, he and Danielle are finally engaged!” he said.

“That’s good!” I managed. I wasn’t sure how I felt about this pregnancy test and I was unsure of how Louis would take it.

          He looked down to me from the cabinet he had his face in and said, “Maybe you should go to the doctor, Jo, you’re white as a sheet, maybe that African food got you sicker than you think…”

“No…no it’s not that…”

“Then what is it?”

I swallowed hard and pulled the pregnancy test from my butt pocket and handed it to him. He stared at it with an unreadable expression for what seemed like forever.

“We’re pregnant?” he asked quietly. I nodded my head. Louis’ gaze met my own and a smile wider than anything took over his face.

“WE’RE PREGNANT!?!?” he exclaimed. I chuckled a little and he picked me up and twirled me around.


“So you’re okay with this, you think we can do this?” I asked nervously after he set me down.

“I know we can, we would be fantastic parents, you’re great with my younger sisters, how is this any different?”

“Because none of your sisters are babies, and I don’t have to worry about actually parenting them.”

“Don’t worry hon, this will be good, I promise,” he cupped my face in his hands and kissed my nose.

“I love you,” I replied feeling a little better.

“I love you too,” he said happily.

          My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was Fred calling.

“Hey!” I answered.

“’Lo, Jo…come ta the hosp’tal?” he said in a weak voice.

“Fred, what’s wrong?” I asked in instant panic.

“Jus’ come.” And he hung up. I looked to Louis and said, “Hospital. Now.”

          We booked it. The fifteen minute drive became a seven minute drive and before the car was even turned off I was already out and running to the front desk.

“Fred Watson!?” I nearly shouted to the nurse working there.

“Are you immediate family?” she replied in a bored tone.

“Yes! Where is here?” I lied.

“219, last door on your left.”

I ran down the hall and found the number and inside was a sickly looking Fred.

          “Fred?” I asked quietly, coming over to him.

“Jo,” he smiled. I looked at the clipboard at the end of his bed that doctors used and read he had a heart attack…and that it wasn’t looking like he would survive…Tears instantly clouded my vision and I felt Louis’ arm on my shoulder as he read the diagnosis.

“Come ‘ere,” croaked my old landlord. We did as he asked and he continued, “I’ve been holdin’ on ta see yous two. In me desk drawer,” he pointed to the bedside table right next to him, “is my will. Take it.”

           Louis took out a manila envelope and read over the boring legal document while I took Fred’s hand and said, “No, please don’t die, we still need you. Freddy, I’m pregnant, I need you to help us, don’t go yet, keep holding on, you can fight through this…please…” Tears fell from my face.

“You’re like me own daugh’er…” he whispered and gave me the best smile he could. “You two can do it…I know it…” he was even quieter now and Louis had his other hand in his.

          Fred gave each of our hands he was holding a little squeeze of love before he took one final breath and the flat line filled the room. I didn’t move. I didn’t speak. I simply refused to believe that just happened.

“Excuse me, miss,” said a nurse as she started unplugging the equipment from his body.

“Jovi, come on, let’s go,” Louis said and stood me up. He guided me away and quietly back to our car. We didn’t drive we just had our moment of silence.

          After maybe ten minutes Louis handed me the envelope. I opened it and read what it said and looked up to Louis with a surprised face.

“He’s giving everything to us?” I asked.

“It looks like it…and read a little further,” he prompted. I did so and my eyes bugged out.

“Fred was loaded…” I whispered.

There was a sticky note at the bottom of the page and in shaky hand writing it said, “Sorry for the delayed wedding present.”

          “Louis…if our baby is a boy…can we name him Fredrick?” I asked.

“I couldn’t think of a better name,” he replied with a smile.


Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now