Ch. 3: God Given Gift

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A/N: Woah, baby! Long chapter! Oi! Don't forget to comment, and vote, but most importantly have a nice day!

I awoke the next morning in Louis’ arms. His bare chest was rising and falling slowly, indicating he was still sound asleep. It was a cold and gray Sunday, but thankfully dry and free of snow. As much as I wanted to lay in bed all day, there were things to get done. With that in mind, I propelled myself up and into the shower.

          There were so many things to do and worry about, I thought as I let the hot water run down me. I had a lot to learn in my first few weeks at my new job, and I was worried no one would like me, or I wouldn’t learn fast enough. Plus I had my parents hounding down my neck about not marrying Louis, and on top of that, I had to actually start planning the event itself.

I sighed dramatically loud, something that was sort of a habit when I let all my worries bombard me. A breeze of cold air hit my back and I turned around to see Louis stepping in the shower with me.
“Hello, Jov,” he smiled.
I leaned my forehead against his now wet shoulder and gave another loud sigh.
“What’s up?” he asked, rubbing my back. This wasn’t the first time we’ve showered together, and when we had, it didn’t always ended in sex, but there’s always that air of attraction and lust hanging above us while being in here together.

          But not right now, at least for me anyway, my worries weighed me down too much.
“Just stressed is all. I have my job tomorrow, you have yours, we have the wedding, and my parents to worry about…” I explained.
Louis took some of my Herbal Essence shampoo in his hands and started massaging it through my hair, something he knew relaxed me.
“Don’t you worry about me and my new job; I already know most of my co-workers. And as for your job, you don’t know how it will turn out, so don’t worry…yet, anyway. Just walk in there tomorrow morning with a smile on your face and that your natural charm, and you’ll do great.
As for the wedding, it’s nine months away, we don’t have to worry about it now, or your parents for that matter.”

          I turned around so the water would rinse the foam from my hair and replied, “Weddings take forever to plan. There is so much forethought and planning that goes into them. We need to start right away, mainly with a venue. And I’m starting to think telling my parents was a mistake. They will just want to control everything.”

“As much as I hate to say it, telling them when we did was the right thing. They would just get madder at you, and hate me more if they found out by invitation, or even after it happened. Besides, how do you expect to invite your extended family without your parents knowing?”

“I don’t know how much of my extended family would find it worthwhile to come, honestly. I’m kind of the black sheep in the family. My aunts and uncles and cousins are exactly like my parents and sister. They would just view this as a rash mistake that they don’t want to get involved in.”

          Louis gave me a sympathetic kiss on the forehead as I took some liquid soup and rubbed it on his chest and arms.
“Do you have any venue ideas?” I asked.
“You mean I have to help with more than just cake tasting?” he replied, surprised. I gave him a glare and he chuckled, “How about a boat?”

“Like a little cruise boat that sails around the port for a few hours?” I asked.
“I quite like that idea, actually…I hope it isn’t too expensive…how are we going to pay for all of this?”
“We’ll figure it out,” he replied and washed the soap from his body.
“That’s your answer for everything…” I mumble.
“Relax, love. We have each other and even if it ends up being the shittiest wedding possible, at least in the end we will be together.”
I kissed him and we finished showering.

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