Ch. 21: Tomorrow

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          It was the day before my wedding.

Oh god, it was the day before my wedding and my sister and I were meeting my mother for lunch. She had flown in from Iowa last night and was staying at the hotel she, my dad and Audrey stayed at before the divorce. The past week and a half had been slightly hectic between getting things finished up at work before my break, finalizing things for the wedding, and picking up my wedding dress and making sure it still fit okay – which thankfully it did.

          There was a knock at my door and I got up from the couch where Louis and I were watching some TV. I opened it to reveal my sister and my dad.

“Dad, what are you doing here?” I asked surprised, “Not that I don’t mind,” I added.

“It’s been a while, and I know work has been busy for both of us, but I thought while you and your sister were at lunch, Louis and I could get to know each other better, and then you could come home with us and spend the night. Don’t want the bride and groom to see each other the night before the wedding, now do we?” he asked with a smile.

“I guess not,” I laughed and led them inside. Louis looked up from the TV and smiled.

“Hey Audrey, hey Paul!”

“Hey Lou!” Audrey replied and plopped down next to him.

“Busy today?” My dad asked him.

“Just catching up on some shows, what’s up?” he replied.

“Thought maybe us men could go out for a bite while the girls are out with their mom.”

“That’d be great!”

          I loved how my dad and fiancé were getting along, I had to admit, I never thought it would happen, but I’m so glad it did.

“Come on, Audrey, we should get going,” I reluctantly suggested.

“Do we have to? Mom and I didn’t end on a good note,” she sighed.

“Yes, try your best with her,” my dad said sternly. My sister and I left to go to the nearby bus stop.

“We won’t stay longer than we need to,” I assured her.


          The bus came and five stops later we were at the restaurant. “Ready?” I asked.


“Alright.” And with that we walked in the brightly lit building and found our mom…sitting with… “Is that Kenny the pool boy?” Audrey whisper yelled to me.

“I think so…” I replied, getting a bad feeling. Mom looked up and saw us and happily waved us over.

“Audrey, Jovi! You remember Kenny, don’t you?!” she said as a greeting when we got to their table.

“Pool dude, yeah?” I asked giving a confused smile.

“Jovi,” my mother hissed under her breath, “He isn’t the pool dude, he is a real person!”

I rolled my eyes, “God, mom, can you make it more obvious?” I asked.

“Sorry, make what obvious?” Kenny asked, flashing his straight white teeth at me.

“That you two are fucking. Don’t tell me you’re bringing him to my wedding?”  I asked.

“Jovi! It’s behavior like that that makes me not even want to come to your wedding! But I’m doing this for you, so shape up!” mom said.

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