Ch. 11: Words & Tea is the Place to be

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A/N: Sooo this is dedicated to NavaLouis because her last comment made my day, it was super sweet:) So thank you for that, my dear! And thank you, everyone else, for reading! 

I called Louis’ cell but he wouldn’t answer. How mad at me was he? I didn’t think the argument was bad enough to call off the marriage over! I needed to see him, but where was he? I paced around for a minute before an idea hit me. I dialed Audrey’s number and she answered on the fourth ring.

“Hey, are dad and Lou at the hotel by chance?” I asked.

“Uh, no. Dad hasn’t been at the hotel all day. Neither had mom…it’s just been me,” she replied.

“Wait, they left you there all alone?”

“I think they got in a fight before I woke up this morning,” she said.

“Jeez, everyone is fighting…how are you doing?”

“My eye is still really ugly. And I haven’t really talked much to mom or dad since last seeing you…”

“Do you want me to come over? I need to find Louis, I think he is calling off the wedding, do you know where dad went?”

“Wait, Louis’ calling the wedding off?!” she exclaimed.

“Where is dad?!”

“Uh, hold on he left me an address, he said he had a meeting today, maybe it was with Louis…” I heard papers being shuffled around before she said, “Here! Do you know a place called Words & Tea?”

“That’s where Louis and I used to work! That’s where we met! I bet you that’s where they are!”

“Can I come with you?”

“I’ll call a cab and be over in a few minutes, wait outside!” and with that I hung up, ordered a taxi, and within minutes was on my way to the hotel.

          Just like I requested, my little sister was there, dressed in plain blue jeans, a white cami, and a light pink cardigan. She quickly got in the back seat with me as I ordered to go to the book shop.

“Why is Louis calling off the marriage?” she asked.

“We got in a fight. I didn’t think it was serious enough to end everything over though! I have to talk to him. Dad has been offering to bribe him to call the wedding off and I think he finally took it,” I explained.

“Oh my…” she murmured. Her black eye was now more of a grayish greenish yellowish color and didn’t look pretty, but at least it was getting better. I was glad the cab driver could sense my urgency because we got there in record time. I paid him and we hopped out and ran into the one and only Words & Tea. I looked around frantically at the place I knew so well before resting my eyes on the two familiar men sitting in the in store café. I walked briskly over to them with determination.

          “Don’t do it,” I blurted out. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I was going to let words fumble out, hoping they made sense.

“Louis, this is way too extreme, it was just a little fight and I’m sorry!! But don’t let my parents get to you, please! We are better than this, we can work on it, whatever it is, we can work on it, please please please, babe, don’t call the wedding off, don’t take my dad’s bribe!”

          They looked up at me with confused faces. Louis stood up and said, “Why do you think I’m calling the wedding off, Love?”

“W-well…you were angry at me…and then you left a note saying you were going to go meet up with my dad whose been…been bribing you…so I just assumed…” I stuttered.

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