Ch. 9: Waffles, Disowning, and Africa

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I was sitting by Audrey’s bed the next morning watching her sleep. Not to be creepy or anything, just to check up on her. Louis got home later that night and was shocked to find out what happened. He was still sleeping too, and I was trying to figure out how to tell my parents without seeming totally irresponsible.

          Audrey stirred, groaned, and opened her eyes slowly.


“Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Not well…” she mumbled.

“Can you remember last night?”

She thought about it for a second, letting the memories flood back before nodding her head embarrassedly.

“How is your eye feeling?” I asked.


“Well it’s not very swollen, so it looks like that cream Fred brought worked.

“How bad does it look?” she asked.

“It’s pretty purple. I don’t know how well make up will be able to cover it…”

“OH NO!” she shot up, remembering something.


“Niall knows, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah…but I told him it was nothing, to just brush it off…”

          She looked upset and embarrassed and sad. I didn’t blame her.

“It won’t make things awkward, I promise. Now, come on, I’ll make you breakfast. We got a new waffle maker, do you want a waffle?” I asked, trying to change subjects. She sighed and nodded her head.

“Can I shower first, though?”

“Sure, the bathroom is right across the hall and there is already a towel and shampoo and everything in there for you,” I replied before leaving.

          In the kitchen, I started getting ingredients out to make the waffle batter. It didn’t take too long to make, and the actual waffle an even shorter amount of time. So I made one for myself first and it smelled really good. It filled the whole flat and soon enough Lou came trudging out from the hallway with a happy grin on his face.

“Waffles!!” he exclaimed happily.

“Do you want one?” I asked, knowing the answer.

“Yes! Do we have any bacon? I can make that,” he said, opening the fridge to look. As I worked on his breakfast, he started sizzling the meat.

“How is Audrey this morning?” he asked.

“Humiliated. Sore. The usual after your first time getting drunk in a new country,” I said.

“You were sore that first time we drank?” he asked surprised. I didn’t replied but kinda chuckled.

          Audrey came walking out in some lazy day clothes I left for her to borrow and I gave her the waffle I had been making for Louis since he wasn’t done with the bacon.

“How you doin’ this moring, love?” he asked as she sat at the breakfast nook.

“Feeling a little better, thanks,” she replied with a smile.

“We really should figure out how to tell mom and dad about your eye,” I said.

“I’m telling the truth,” she stated simply, pouring syrup over her breakfast.

Wedding Chaos (Louis Tomlinson)(FINISHED!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang