An Open Letter to Wattpad (#JusticeForGren)

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Dear Wattpad administrators,

I understand that this may not be the most effective channel with which to get my message across, but I would like to start off by saying that I have made an effort to find the proper channel through which to communicate my concerns and have failed. Your help center contains options for reporting users and for requesting that my own account be reactivated, but I was unable to find any category suitable for stating that a user other than myself may have been unfairly reported and requesting that her account be restored to her. It occurs to me that you may have purposely structured your help page in order to encourage only the reporting of specific issues that you consider to be legitimate or to organize what must be a very large number of daily messages. While I understand this, I can only hope that you also monitor your content in such a way that this letter may come to your attention.

My concern relates to the cause of a Wattpad member formerly known as Grenineon. Grenineon recently had her account deactivated on the charge that she is underage. While I do not personally know this user outside of Wattpad, she and several of her close friends have reported that she is thirteen years old, which is the minimum age stated in your terms and conditions. Not knowing the information based upon which the original decision to deactivate the account was made, I can only suggest that further investigation on your part is warranted.

I understand that you are bound to uphold the terms and conditions of your website and recognize that your age restrictions have been put in place for reasons that most likely include concern for underage children (perhaps in keeping with a law similar to the USA's COPPA or with the spirit of such a law). However, I am also certain that you wish to uphold your terms and conditions in an upright and just manner and to be transparent at least to a degree at which all of your users will be able to recognize that fairness.

On that note, I would like to bring to your attention the recently created hashtag #JusticeForGren, which many users have begun using in an attempt to bring this matter to your attention. There are many users who support the user formerly known as Grenineon and are of the opinion that your deactivation and possible deletion of her account was carried out unjustly. If for no other reason than to regain the confidence of these users, I urge you to review this case.

In the interest of avoiding confusion as well as bringing a related matter to your attention, I would like to mention that another user has taken up the user name Grenineon in the time since the former Grenineon's account has been deactivated. At first glance, I am sure this would appear to be coincidental or at least innocent, as users have the right to select any name that is not currently in use.  In this case, however, the new user has, in at least one instance that I have seen, claimed to be the same user as the former Grenineon, effectively impersonating her. If you would be so kind as to look into the matter further, I am reasonably certain that you will find evidence of the impersonation, which I believe to also be a form of harassment. I am aware that many users have already reported this, so I am confident that you will discover the truth of the matter and dispense a fair course of action accordingly.

Thank you for your time and dedication to the fair treatment of users of this website.



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