People I am Thankful For (#WhyWeLoveEm)

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I was tagged by StephenClarkson to participate in this challenge, started by The_Write_Place. I'll be writing about all the awesome people on Wattpad who I'm really thankful for. Anyone I tag is free to write a post of their own. Otherwise, just consider it a Christmas gift from me.

SGMijumaru - He's been a great friend all year. I've really enjoyed chatting with him, battling and trading Pokémon, and just helping to support each other. I especially appreciate all of his support while I was struggling to finish reading all of the Pokémon Watty Awards entries this year. Just being able to share my progress and know that someone was listening and caring was a huge deal to me. I'm honestly not sure if I could have gotten to the end of every single entry without that. So thank you!

RiverIvy - I'm not sure if she checks her account anymore, and we haven't spoken very much recently, but I can't forget her friendship. I'm really grateful to her for noticing that I wasn't acting like myself and feeling really down and inviting me to join the GRA chat to cheer up (even though I wasn't a member at the time and wouldn't be until much later). Again, it was really nice for someone to care, and I've made so many friends in the GRA just because of that!

Scarlet_Regnar Demoniscy ForeverMoonlight abbert21 Sheare blue___22 IshiEmerarudo Vespin (basically everyone in the GRA I've gotten to know so well) - Thanks for being great friends and for your dedication to everything that we do together in the GRA. I love hanging out with you, and I love being able to come together to create all the reviews and interviews and great content of the GRA. Wattpad would not be the same without you guys. (also Darker_X, even though he retired. It's still great talking to you when I can!) (also Shayminkid123 for being an enthusiastic new member!)

ChronaLilly - Thanks for some of the best comments I've gotten on my stories this year! I should probably take some time to get to know you better now that I have some free time again.

Special thanks to ScarletRegnar for doing such a great job of organizing and putting together the Pokémon Watties this year. It was a pleasure working with you.

Thanks to Dragons_Rose and anyone I haven't mentioned who includes me in challenges and things and is just a nice and friendly person to me.

And thank you, as always, to all of my readers and followers, both the ones I know and the ones who are out there reading silently. I still appreciate you!

Thanks to everyone for making this a good year on Wattpad. I recently celebrated my fourth anniversary here, and I still enjoy it as much as ever. I have all of you to thank for that. Merry Christmas, and have a great new year!

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