13 (Technically 14) Questions

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So I got tagged by Dragons_Rose . I guess the idea is just to answer the same thirteen questions? So, here goes.

1. Do you have someone you like?

Sure, I like at least one other person on Earth. I like my family. I like my friends. I like various other people, both ones that I know and ones that I just know of. I think I'm pretty normal that way.

2. Do they like you back?

I hope they all do. Although that would be pretty tough with the ones I know of who don't necessarily know me.

3. What's your middle name?

I have a policy against sharing my real name publicly in connection to this account. I will tell you that I have one, though.

4. Single or taken?

Well, that's a weird way to ask if someone is in a romantic relationship. Even if I was, I would feel weird saying that I'm "taken". Good thing I can take the easy way out and just say single.

5. Girl best friend?

See number 6

6. Guy best friend?

Probably not going to be the most popular answer, but I'm hoping only a few close followers will be reading this. The only real honest answer to both 5 and 6 is God, who is generally referred to with masculine pronouns but created both males and females in His image and actually transcends gender.

7. Favorite OTP?

Um... None?

8. Last person texted?

My sister.

9. Last song you listened to?

Um... the last one I remember listening to this afternoon was "God of Wonders".

10. Battery percentage?

On my laptop? 59%

11. Lockscreen?

What's a lockscreen? lol

12. Reasons I joined Wattpad?

See an earlier chapter in this book.

13. Birth date?

Seriously, are you trying to steal my identity or something? I recently learned a bit about the complete inadequacy of social security numbers, and it didn't make me feel secure. A birth date can be sensitive information, yo.

14. Tag 20 people?

Well, since you asked... No, thanks! XD

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