Fan Art! Also Some Notes on the Pokémon Watties

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For those of you who have read The Girl with the Chikorita, I wanted to share this awesome piece of fan art DachshundPiano made for me! It's the first fan art anyone's ever made for me, and I absolutely love it! You can use the link below or see it in Chapter 45 of The Girl with the Chikorita, where it will stay.

So I want to give a huge thanks to her. While I'm at it, I should mention that her story Underdog is really good. It made me laugh more than any other fanfiction I've ever read on Wattpad, and I've read quite a few now. It also won the Pokémon Watty Awards in 2014. She also has a new book that I unfortunately haven't had a chance to read yet.

Why? Because I've been working very hard to get through the Pokémon Watty Award entries for this year. As you can see from my recently organized reading lists, I've gotten through 25 to date and have three more left, one of which I'm halfway through. I have over sixty pages of notes covering my initial thoughts on all 25 1/2 of them, and I'm still going. (That's also not including one book that has since been removed from Wattpad and a one shot that also seems to have vanished since I read it.) It can be exhausting going through them all so carefully and with so much detail, but I hope that it will be worth it.

I've been getting to read books by a lot of different authors, some completely new to me, others that I had seen around but hadn't yet read anything by, and a few new works by authors I have read previously. It's been cool to get a taste for so much of what the Pokémon community here on Wattpad has to offer.

I hope that all the contestants are happy with the way the contest is being run this year. I know that I'm trying to do the best job I can as a judge. Good luck to everyone competing! I'll be continuing to read new entries as they're completed and pass inspection.

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