Pokémon Watty Results

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Ok, I want to start by apologizing for not replying to comments and such earlier. I saw the results much earlier today, within an hour after they were posted, actually, and I do appreciate everyone's congratulations and good wishes. Thanks, guys.

I just got kind of weird for a while there because I was having mixed feelings. I still do, kind of. And I felt bad because I know it should make me really, really happy to have won first place in the adventure category. And I am happy. Just other things, too. And it's really difficult to explain why that is without going into a certain personal situation I don't really want to explain here. But I also feel kind of bad because I know all of my competitors would have been so ecstatic to have won, and I kind of wish one of them had so they could be happy.

Man, I sound depressing right now, don't I? Sorry, I'm not trying to be. I'm definitely happy about winning if it means that more people might read my books. I like to think that people might get something out of them. That's definitely my hope while writing them.

I am sincerely happy that so many others that I know won an award in the competition. I tried to read as many of the entries as I could, and, while I didn't have time to get to them all, a lot of the ones I thought were good ended up ranking somewhere. And I especially enjoy the thought of how happy this must have made the authors that I've met on here, like shinymewgirl and PokeBroncoFan and Dragons_Rose (and Serena-Daniels, even though I don't believe she and I have technically "met" -- I was honestly surprised to find out she even knows who I am, but I feel like I know her at least a little bit now). I'm sure that's equally true of all the writers I don't know as much about. So congratulations to all the winners out there!

I also want to thank the judges for all their hard work: Scarlet_Regnar, Lostie-P, and The_Magical_Yoshi. Seriously, I don't want you guys to feel underappreciated in any way; I know everybody loves all that you did for us! You guys deserve a really awesome party! Or whatever else you can do to celebrate together.

I also want to thank ktd527 for making the really pretty sticker that I'll be adding to my book cover soon. And I love that this was made by someone else I know! :)

So thanks again and good luck to everyone who will be competing next year!

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