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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy my first story on wattpad. I might get some things wrong because I'm from England but this will be based in Canada.

Riley's POV
It's my first day in grade 1 at my new school. I just moved here from England and I am really nervous. What if I don't fit in and people think I'm weird?What if I don't make any friends and I'm that loner girl?
I shake my head,trying desperately to clear all of those thoughts out of my mind.I take a deep breath and step into my new classroom.
The teacher introduces me to the class and asks me to take a seat at the back. As I walk to my seat everyone keeps on staring at me and it is really intimidating,but I pretend like I don't notice and instead subtly search for anyone who I think I will get along with.
I sit down on my seat next to the window and see that the boy next to me is half-asleep.So much for trying to make a new friend!

James' POV
I hear Ms. Hastings introduce a new girl and ask her to take a seat next to me, but I don't really pay attention because I'm half asleep. All I see are the new girl's really cool converse.
Right now I'm just praying for the lunch bell to go so I can get out of this boring maths class and eat my shwarma that my mum packed for me.
And after 30 excruciating minutes,God finally has the decency to answer my prayers.The bell goes and I am the first one to rush out of the door.

Riley's POV
I walk around the playground,sipping on my juice and I see a few boys who I think are in my class kicking a ball. So I go up to them and ask them if I can join in.
'Girls can't play soccer' they say in their annoying Canadian accents. What do they mean girls can't play 'soccer'.I'm sure I can play better than most of them.Daddy said that I was better than him. I am really angry so I just storm off. How dare he say that! I find a random ball rolling around and start kicking it as hard as I can at a wall in the corner,trying to take out my frustration.

James POV
As I'm walking to the soccer pitch to meet some of my friends I see a girl angrily kicking a soccer ball at the wall, so,being the nice 'gentleman' I am,I go up to her and politely tap her shoulder.
'What did that wall ever do to you?' I tease. As she turns around I realise that she's probably the new girl since I haven't seen her before. I look down and recognize those awesome converse then look back up at her raging eyes.

Riley's POV
'What did that wall ever do to you?'this random boy comes up and asks me.
'None of your business' I snap at him and then realise that it is the same boy who was falling asleep in class.
He ignores the fact that I snap,instead putting a hand out and introducing himself 'I'm James.'
I decide to try and at least make one friend on my first day of school so I reluctantly stick out my hand as well,
'I'm Riley.'

James POV
'I'm Riley' she answers in a strong English accent.
'If you want to kick a soccer ball so much why don't you just come play soccer with me and my friends?' I say,referring to my friends who are passing a ball around on the soccer pitch.
'Firstly don't you mean a football?' Football? Oh yeah, she's from England. 'And secondly, according to your friends, girls aren't good enough to play football. Or soccer as you Canadians say.' I just laugh at her comment and drag her to my friends.

Riley's POV
James leads me to his friends and introduces them to me: Eldon, West and Hunter, the one that made that mean remark. ''Sup guys. This is Riley and she would like to play some soccer with us, so let's choose the teams,'James declares.
They are about to start protesting so I just start to walk away but James tugs my hand,willing me to stay.
'Let her play.She might even be better than you.' So they reluctantly agree and choose the teams and we start the match.

James POV
Riley is actually really good at soccer;she scored two goals and in the end me,Riley and Hunter won 3-1 against West,Eldon and my other friend Kyle.
'Hey Riles,you're really good at soccer' I tell her as she's sipping her juice.

Riley POV
'Riles?' I ask. I've heard Ri,Ri-Ri,but never Riles.
'Yeah, something that only I can call you,'he replies.
'So Riles,friends?'he asks.
'Friends' I agree,shaking his hand.

From then on Riley and James have been best friends, nothing separating them apart.

Hope you enjoyed the prologue.

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