Chapter 31

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Riley's POV
It's been a couple of weeks since the Stephanie incident and everything has been running pretty smoothly,well as smoothly as it can.
It's edging nearer to prom and Steph's running for prom queen which I am happy about. I'm happy that she's not distancing herself away from everyone after the incident-like I did when my parents died-but instead becoming closer with them. And I'm also happy because I know she's going to thrash Tess for the prom queen title and finally wipe the smirk off of that bitch's face.
As for Stephanie's dad,he's gone MIA and she and Sophie are as of now living with their aunt(their mum's sister).
I'm happy and grateful that everything is going well with Stephanie and she's back on her feet as her usual bubbly and sassy self. James,however,is a completely different story.
Eventhough it's not a drastic change,I've noticed slight adjustments to his behaviour and I'm scared it's happening again.
He's stopped laughing more,is talking less and I can tell that his smiles are forced.
I guess I kind of understand-in a week it's going to be 3 years that he and his mom ended up in hospital and his dad was thrown in jail. I mean,when it's nearing my parents' death anniversary I also start to distance myself away aswell. But that's not the thing that worries me. What worries me is that he is distancing himself away from ME.
Normally,when it comes to this time of the year, James starts to further himself away from everyone, EXCEPT me. That night he ended up in the hospital he made a promise to me that he would never distance himself away from me again and he would always talk to me when his thoughts about his dad-or about anything,in fact- were too much for him and he just needed to let them out. But now he's breaking his promise and that's breaking my heart.

James' POV
I sigh as Riley calls me for the third time to hurry up so that we can 'get going already'. Since no one was busy today,our group thought it was a good idea to just hang out since we haven't done that in a while. So we just decided to go to our normal hangout which is a small diner a few minutes away.
I honestly don't want to go.I just want to be alone and away from everyone,but I know that everybody(in our close circle of friends) is going to go and they'll definitely think it weird if I don't come since I usually join in in everything. I'm usually the one to initiate the hangout in the first place.
Reluctantly,I step out of the bathroom and head towards the front door where Riley is impatiently waiting. She looks so cute with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping the ground rapidly and her face... no James!Snap out of it. You've got to get used to not having those thoughts anymore.
I await the telling off that I'm going to get for taking so long but instead I receive a look of concern and a worried,'Are you alright?'
I want to tell her so much that I'm not alright and tell her all about the thoughts running through my head whilst holding her in my arms but I refrain myself from doing so and instead give her a quick nod whilst walking out the door. I hear her sigh heavily and can just picture her frustrated and slightly hurt expression but I don't turn around,I just keep walking.
We walk to 'Brit's Diner' in complete silence,not having the slightest bit of communication whatsoever. Normally I'd have my arm around her,pulling my Riles as close as possible whilst her head rested on my chest and her arms encircled my torso.

But now we are walking an arm's length apart,both of us looking straight ahead

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

But now we are walking an arm's length apart,both of us looking straight ahead.
We arrive at the diner and just before we go in Riley reaches for my arm and tugs me back.
'I love you.You know that right?' I love you too, I want to say. However I don't and just give a nod and a curt smile and walk into the sickening aroma of fresh burgers and fries.

Riley's POV
I angrily run my hands through my hair,having the urge to punch something,maybe James' face. Why is he being like this?! Why can't he just talk to me?
After a few minutes, I recollect myself and walk into 'Brit's Diner' with a forced smile on my face.
I approach our booth in the corner and slide in whilst greeting everyone. I don't understand why when I came in James was all smiley and laughing with everyone but when he caught sight of me he stopped talking completely and his smile immediately changed into a frown.

Hunter's POV
As soon as Riley sat down I felt quite a lot of tension between jiley,and this time it wasn't sexual tension. Usually when we're all just hanging out they're all over each other,whether it's Riley sitting on James' lap and him kissing her neck or them just in their own love bubble minding everyone else and talking to one another. But now they're sitting across from each other,both stiff and tense.
I think everyone can sense the tension as we are all looking around at each other,wondering what the hell is going on.
'Have you guys ordered yet?'Riley asks,breaking the awkward silence.We answer no,saying we were waiting for them to arrive. Now that they were here we called over the waitress and ordered our food.
The hangout was going fine I guess. We were all talking and eating like ususal except guessed it,Riley and James. James ordered just a coke and Riley ordered a salad-a salad- which she hadn't even touched.
I decided to do something about this because I just couldn't take this-whatever it was. It was suffocating. I'd rather watch Jiley making out whilst we are eating rather than James and Riley both being mute and not even touching food.
'Hey,riles,can I just talk to you a second. It's about Emily,' She replies with a meek nod and we both get out of the booth. I take note that James doesn't react at all when I say Riles and Riley doesn't even give me a dirty look when I mention Emily-which she always does because she knows there's something going on between us and she hates that.
'What's up?'she asks.
'Cut the bullshit and tell me what the hell is going on,'I say getting straight to the point. She is about to say something but I give her a look and she immediately closes her mouth, stopping what she's about to say, and sighs.
'I don't know Hunter. James is completely ignoring me. I try talking to him,holding his hand,hugging him,telling him I love him,all he does is brush me off. I don't know what to do,Hunter. I'm so lost. I..I just don't know what to do.' I see the tears welling up in her eyes and I feel so bad for her. I don't know what's going through James' head but I'm going to find. And I think Riley knows that because she begins to rapidly shake her head.
'No Hunter.No.'she states forcefully.
'But if I just talk to him,maybe I can figure out what's going on,'I try to persuade her but she doesn't budge.
'If he wants to tell me,he will. So please,just leave it,'she pleads and I nod my head.I put my arms out and pull her into a friendly embrace. She laughs and after a few seconds pulls away, still keeping me at arms's length.
'So what is this I hear about Emily?'

James' POV
I ball up my fists underneath the table and silently fume as I watch Hunter pull Riley in for a hug and she laughs with him. Doesn't he have a crush on Emily?Why is he getting so feely with my girl. Well,not really my girl anymore.
Angrily, I leave the diner and punch the thing closest to me,which is the wall.
'Don't what me!Turn around and talk to me!Just talk to me,'Riley says and I reluctantly do so instantly wishing I hadn't as I come across her face which is filled with pain that could only have been caused by me,and that is killing me.
'Please James,just tell me what's going on,'she begs
'Why don't you tell me what's going on. I see you and Hunter are getting very touchy feely,'I say,eventhough I know there's nothing going on between them and that was just a friendly hug.
'What?!!He was just comforting me because you have been blatantly avoiding me for days! Everyday you are distancing yourself away from me more and more. And I feel useless because I know you're upset about something and there's nothing I can do about it because you're not talking to me!You hardly even look at me anymore!I don't know what's gotten into you but I can't stand it!' By now we are both standing face to face,only an inch apart,both breathing heavily. I see the hurt in her face and all I want to do is reach out to her,hugging her tightly and kissing her everywhere,telling how sorry I am for being such a dick,but I don't.

Riley's POV
We just stand their in silence for a few minutes,only the sound of our deep breathing being heard. James is the first one to break the intense stare off and that's when I know,I've lost him.
'Maybe if 'you can't stand it' I should just leave.' Wait what?
'You heard me. Maybe I should just move out so you won't have to put up with me.'
'James,'I say in a slightly confused tone,'what are you saying?'
'I'm saying,'he takes a deep breath,'I'm saying that we should break up.'

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