Chapter 6

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Riley's POV
I've been awake nearly all night,my eyes staying wide open eventhough I'm willing them not to. I've just been thinking about what actually happened yesterday. Did I really kiss James? My best friend!? And did he really kiss me back?

Since it's obvious I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon,I get out of bed,deciding to get ready for another day of school. I don't really know how I am going to react when I see James or how he is going to react when he sees me,so my plan is just to avoid him for as long as I can.

James' POV
After the kiss yesterday I know that my relationship with Riley is going to change,it was a big risk kissing my best friend. And a kiss like that isn't something we can just forget.
My theory is proved correct as I am just about to leave my house to go to Riley's when my phone buzzes.
R- Heading 2 skl early today,have to finish some homework.

I sigh,putting my phone in my pocket and leaving the house. And here I thought that kiss was going to change our relationship for the better,but instead my best friend is trying to avoid me. Just fucking fantastic!

Riley's POV
'Hunter!Hunter!'I hiss,hiding behind a set of lockers in the corridor.
'Riley!What are you doing? Where's James?'Hunter asks,looking utterly confused. I beckon for him to come closer to me and explain to him that I'm trying to avoid James,obviously missing out why. Hunter looks at me accusedly and asks me the question I know he was going to ask but hoped he wouldn't,
'And why exactly are you avoiding James?Your best friend?'
I quickly and quietly mutter,'Wekissed.'
'What?'he asks,obviously not hearing me.
I sigh deeply and just decide to come clean. I wouldn't have told anyone else this like Michelle or West but I'm really close with Hunter and I can trust him not to tell anyone.
'We kissed.'

James' POV
First period has just passed and I still haven't seen Riley. I know she's trying to avoid me,but I need to talk to her,I miss my best friend. Actually,now that I think of it,I haven't seen Hunter either,maybe he knows where Riley is.

I make my way over to Hunter's locker and spot him talking to someone in hushed tones,but I can't quite make out who it is.
'Yo!Hunter!'as soon as I shout his name he looks at me with wide eyes,and the person he was talking to suddenly disappears.
'Heyyy,'he drawls out,rather suspiciously, I might add. I decide to brush it off and ask, 'Do you know where Riley is?'
'Hunter,where's Riley?'I ask again.
'I don't know.Oh and would you look at the time,I'm going to be late for 2nd period. Bye!'and he runs off without a second glance. Great.

Riley's POV
It's second period and I have a free period so I am just in the library finishing off some homework. I know James has a free period aswell so I am hiding in a corner of the library in hopes he won't see me if he does decide to come in here.
The doors of the library open and I see James and Beth come through. She's laughing at something he just said and they look like they're having a great time. I feel something surge through me but can't quite pinpoint what it is. Could it be..Jealousy?

James' POV
Since I had a free period I decide to search for Riley properly and ask anyone I come across if they have seen her. I see Beth and don't think much of it and being the idiotic person I am I go and ask her if she's seen Riley.Big mistake.
'No,but maybe we could check the library,'she says,stroking my arm.
'Sure.Thanks,'I reply and start walking to the library when I hear heels tapping the floor and Beth right next to. Fantastic.
We enter the library and I decide to firstly ask the librarian if she's seen Riley.
'So,how's school?'Beth asks.
'Same old.Same old. I guess,'I respond and she suddenly starts to..laugh?
'Oh,you're so funny Jamie!' She laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek and turns my head to quickly to give me a quick peck on the lips before I can even register what is going on.
I widen my eyes massively and move away from her,creating a visible gap between us. I hastily start to walk upto the librarian when I see slight movement in the corner of my eye. I turn around to see a very familiar ombred hair girl run out of the library.
Well shit.

Last chapter for two weeks since I'm going on holiday.
Hope you enjoyed it! And I know it's kinda early but MERRY CHRISMAS!

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