Chapter 15

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Riley's POV
'Are you sure you're ok Riles,' James asks for about the one thousandth time.
'I'm fine Jae,'I sigh,'Why don't we take a break.I'm starving.'I suggest,trying to break the very rare awkwardness between me,James and Hunter.

'So,how's Emily?' Hunter asks casually as I open a cupboard to get some chocolate out. We had to move our work to the kitchen since my room was 'too messy'.
'She's fine,'I say curiously,wondering why Hunter is so interested in my big sister's personal problems.

James' POV
I mentally face palm myself and Hunter's face. This guy is so clueless.Don't show interest in Emily just yet,especially in front of Riley!Her sister.One of the most suspicious people in the world. I can tell just by her movements that Riley is suspicious,she can always tell these little things.
'Why?'she asks.
'Oh just wondering you know.Where is she anyways?'he says casually,trying to act cool about the situation that he put himself into.He is such an idiot sometimes.

Hunter's POV
I kick myself so hard under the table when I ask about Emily,I know Riley is the most suspicious person in the world and that if she knows something is going on she will find out about it one way or another.Thankfully, I'm saved by the ring of Riley's phone.

Riley's POV
*Phone call*
?-Hello,is this Miss Riley Raymond?
R-Yeah.Who is this?
?-This is Doctor Bradford,I have some news for you.
R-What?What is it!
Dr. - I'm sorry to say but your sister,Emily Raymond,has been involved in an accident....
I immediately drop the phone and freeze in shock.
'Riley,'I hear someone say in the distance,but I don't reply,I just stand there,frozen,as the person comes upto me and tries to see what's wrong.

Hunter's POV
All of a sudden Riley drops her phone and freezes. James says her name but she doesn't reply,so he goes upto her to see what's wrong whilst I pick up the phone and talk to the person on the other liline don't know what to feel when I discover that Emily has been involved in an accident.I thank the doctor and hang up, telling Riley and James that we are going to the hospital.

James' POV
Right now we are in the car, with Hunter  driving and me and Riley sitting at the back,me trying to comfort her.
'It's going to be ok. I promise.' I whisper,rubbing circles on her back and kissing her forehead. She doesn't say anything but buries her face further into my chest,hugging me tightly. After 10 long minutes we finally pull up to the hospital and sprint inside,asking the lady at the front desk where Emily's room is and then  making our way to Room 225.

Riley's POV
As we enter the hospital ward I see my big sister lying helplessly on a bed,different wires attached to her and a machine monitoring her heartbeat. Tears begin to swell up but I choke them back,my eyes burning. I need to stay strong,but it's so hard knowing that the only person left in your family might be gone in a matter of seconds. I go upto the doctor and ask what's going on,
'She has severe damage to her ribs and has broken her ankle. Her surgery for her ankle and ribs have already taken place and they are both slowly healing. Right now she is just sleeping. She has also taken a strong blow to the head when she hit the floor so some problems may occur later on involving her brain,one including amnesia. Unfortunately we can't do anything about that. When the truck hit her,her heart went into a state of shock and is still in that state so it is beating very slowly and no sudden movement is good for. We do not know what happened according to the incident except for the fact that Ms. Raymond was crossing the road and hit by a truck.'
I can't take it anymore. It's too much for me to handle. So like a coward I run out of the room,away from the problem, and find a small corner to cry my heart out.

James' POV
Riley runs out of the room after the doctor explains what happened to Emily,so I run after her whilst Hunter stays with Emily. After about 5 minutes of searching, I find my babygirl crying her heart out in some abandoned corner of the hospital. I sit next to her in the corner and pull her onto my lap. I've never seen Riley like this. EVER.She always acts so strong and seeing her looking so vulnerable is breaking my heart. She hides her face in the crook of my neck and I feel hot tears run through my top,but I don't care.
'Shh Riley.Shh.It's all going to be okay. Emily's going to wake up.I promise Riles,I promise everything's going to be fine.'
'But what if it's not,'she finally looks up at me,'What if I lose my big sister?'
My heart breaks into a million pieces when I see that scared and vulnerable look in her eyes. I feel tears swelling up in my own eyes but I don't let them fall.I'm supposed to be the strong one here. I wipe away Riley's tears and kiss her forehead whilst rocking her back and forth.
'Let's go to her room and see if she's awake?' I suggest.
'I can't James.What if when we walk through that door her heartbeat stops and I lose the only member of my direct family?' She says,looking down.
'But what if we walk through that door and see that her eyes are open and she has a bright smile on her face,waiting for her sister?'I say,lifting up her chin so I look into her eyes,'I've known Emily nearly as long as I've known you and we both know she's a fighter,just like you Riley.She's not going anywhere.She can't.' I wipe away the tears falling down her face once again and kiss her softly on the lips. I then take her off my lap and make her stand up. We then walk out of the corner and back to Emily's ward.

Emily's POV
I don't know where I am.I don't know what's happening.The last thing I remember is that I was going out for a walk to clear my mind off of everything that happened with Jackson cheating on me with one of Riley's closest friends,Tess,and the whole breakup. Suddenly I feel a massive force against me and everything goes black.And now here I am,looking at a white ceiling.Then I hear a voice.

Hunter's POV
I look down at Emily and realise that her eyes have opened and she is looking at ceiling.
'Emily,'I whisper.She slowly turns around to look at me with a confused expression
'Who are you?'
'I'm Hunter,Riley's friend.'
'Oh yeah.The cute one,' she blurts,immediately covering her mouth afterwards, and blushes deep red,'I didn't mean to say that out loud.' I just chuckle.
'What happened?Where's Riley?' after she asks this she starts to scream and I begin to panic.

Riley's POV
As we are getting closer to Emily's room I hear screaming and begin to panic.Me and James exchange looks and run the rest of the way.
'Emily!'I exclaim,worried. I see lots of doctors and nurses surrounding her and Hunter trying to calm her down and holding her hand. I run upto her and hold her other hand and she stops screaming but tears are running down her face.
'Yeah.It's me Em.Everything is going to be okay.'I then ask a doctor what's wrong.
'Unfortunately,you have had a miscarriage Ms Raymond.'

Emily's POV
I am shocked. I was pregnant? And when I found out I was going to have a baby I also found out I was going to lose it.
'I was pregnant?'the doctor sympatheticly nods his head and continues talking.
'You will have to have a surgery tomorrow to make sure there are no infections and if you can still have children.It will be at 2:30.'After he says this I break down into tears. I have always wanted a little boy or girl and now I might never have one.

Hope you liked this chapter

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