Chapter 24

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The words in italics is when Hunter or Emily are talking to the camera.(It'll make more sense later.)

Emily's POV
I groan as my alarm goes off,indicating that it is the beginning of the day.I roll out of bed and go to the kitchen to make some breakfast.As I am waiting for my bread to toast I check the time and realise that Riley and James should be awake by now. I go into their room and see them completely washed out,they look exhausted!But incredibly cute at the same time.Riley is ontop of James,her head resting on his chest and James' arms are protectively around Riley's waist whilst their legs are tangled together.

Riley is ontop of James,her head resting on his chest and James' arms are protectively around Riley's waist whilst their legs are tangled together

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Awww. I decide to take a photo and post it on instagram since I haven't been on it in ages,
About to attempt to wake these lovebirds up for school.Went to the club yesterday and Lord knows what time they got home.
#Jiley is bae
#This is going to be HELL
I am about to just yell at them to wake up but then decide to take the video camera out.I have to make a document about something for my film school and have decided I am going to make a one-day Jiley document. I can ask Hunter to film the parts that are at school.This is going to be so cute and the future Jiley kids have to see this!(Now the italics is when they are speaking just to the camera.)
So,yesterday me,Hunter,Riley and James went to the club and now I am going to try and wake Jiley up and you are going to witness how to do this.Bear this in mind future Jiley kids as your parents are VERY heavy sleepers.
'Ok wake up Jiley,your sleep is over!'I yell
'Go away Emily!'Riley mumble-yells as she rolls off of James and instead buries her head in his chest whilst he turns around and keeps his arm around Riley's back.
'Come on guys!I made pancakes with strawberry and nutella,your favourite,'I say in a singsong voice and I see them rise their heads in happiness,but they drop them back down onto their pillows and fall asleep.
This is going to be harder than expected.
I go into the kitchen and fill a massive glass with freezing cold water and go back into the room.I go upto James and pour the water onto him.He shoots up and shouts,'What the hell!'as I smirk.
'School!'I say and he groans and is about to fall into bed but I push him back up,
'Emily,go annoy your sister,'he whines.
'You two get up right now or I am going to take the FIFA and break it in half,'I threaten.This gets their attention,Riley's especially and they both slowly make their way out of bed.But obviously something goes wrong and in the next second they are lying on the floor and James is ontop of Riley. 'Hey,'he says, and before you know it they are passionately kissing eachother.I quickly run to them and literally pick James off of Riley.
'Fine,fine,we're coming,just give us a sec,'Riley says and I walk out of the room.Sorry you had to witness that guys,but trust me.You'll see more and alot worse.
Finally they come out,James is carrying Riley bridal style, her arms are around his neck as their foreheads are pressed together and they look like they are going to fall back asleep,now that is cute.
'So,what time did you guys go to sleep?'I ask as they sit down.
'4:00am.Hey where's the pancakes!'Riley exclaims.
'I didn't actually make them,'I say sheepishly and they both groan in frustration.
Around ten minutes later they are both ready and we are in the car since I offered to drive them because they'd probably fall asleep on the street if I didn't,
'It's your fault you slept so late,'I say and position the camera on the headboard so I can drive but it is still recording Riley and James. A few minutes later I pull up at the carpark and get out of the car,taking the video camera.I open the door and Riley and James topple out of the car since James was leaning on the door and Riley was leaning on James.I stifle a laugh.
'Ow!'Riley complaints.
'Hey,what do you mean ow?!You landed on me wheras I landed on the concrete ground!'James exclaims and of course they begin to argue pointlessly. Luckily I see Hunter walking out of his car,
'Hey,Hunter!'I say,waving him over.
'Hi Em,'he responds and turns his head to see Riley and James who are still fighting.
'What?'he says with a confused face and I explain the mornings events and about the one-day documentary which he agrees to.

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