Chapter 32

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Riley's POV
'I'm saying that we should break up.' This answer doesn't leave me upset or even angry,just confused;really confused.
'What?'I say,hoping that my ears were just playing tricks on me.
'I said we should break up Riley,'he repeats,this time more gently.
'Why?'I asked, still very confused.
'I just think that we should take a break from each other.I feel as if we haven't really been working out recently and-' and cue the anger. I scoff,'We haven't been working out recently?! Maybe it's because all you've been doing recently is completely ignoring me!'
'No!Don't Riley me! All I want to do is to be there for you when times are rough. And I know that when you're going through a hard time that sometimes you just want to be alone and I respect that. Ask me and I'll give you all the space you need. But you don't even have the decency to do that. All you do when I try to confront you about all of this shit is say that we should break because we 'haven't been working out recently' when really all you've been doing is giving me the cold shoulder! And I have no fucking idea why! I haven't done anything wrong to you. I haven't done anything that I could possibly think of to make you avoid you're own girlfriend! All I want to do is be there for you and you're not even letting me do that.' I stop and breathe for a moment,greeted by silence,so I decide to continue. I need to get all of this out.
'Am I that bad,James?Tell me. Am I that bad of a girlfriend ,or friend even, that you can't confide your thoughts with me. Do you think that I'm going to go around and tell everyone the private thoughts and feelings you tell me?Do you not trust me? Am I that untrustworthy to you that you can't even bring it in yourself to tell me how you're feeling and instead just bottle it up?Am I that terrible a girlfriend? Answer me James.Am I that horrible?'
By this time tears are flowing freely down my cheeks,I don't even try to wipe them away.

James' POV
Riley is the best girlfriend anyone can ever ask for. Whenever you need to vent out your thoughts and feelings to someone,she'll be there to listen. Whenever you need space away from everyone,she'll give it you.She's beautiful,funny,gorgeous,caring and everything in between,most importantantly trustworthy. There is nothing that I can fault in her. Obviously she has flaws,she's human like the rest of us. But that makes me love her all the more. And that's why my heart feels like it is being ripped into two.
I love her,and that's why I need to let her go.

Short,I know. But I needed to get in an update. Some of you might be pretty confused of this whole situation and why James spontaneously said him and Riley should break up. Don't worry,everything will be revealed in the next chapter. Hopefully.

Unexpected-JileyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz