Chapter 35

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Riley's POV
'James wait!' I shout,determined to get him back,knowing that losing him isn't an option.
'James!'I call again,but he doesn't turn around. So I run upto him and place my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
'James,'I say softly,'please turn around.' He shakes his head,so instead I go around to face him and immediately discover why he didn't want to turn around-he's crying. Just seeing the tears run down James' face makes my eyes sting. He's always been so strong,and now, he's not. But that's okay. You don't always have to be strong. You need to let all your pent up emotions out at times and that is exactly what James is doing.
Suddenly I feel a pair of arms engulf me and James' face buried into my neck.
'I don't want to be like him Riley,I really really don't.But I know I'm going to,I already sort of am and it's killing me. I'd rather die than be anything like him. Being like him and being with you means that you'll get hurt because of me,and I won't be able to live with myself,Riley. I love you too much. I won't let you get hurt by my hand Riley. That's why I broke up with you,' he sobs,his voice hoarse.

James' POV
Whilst I was voicing out all of my thoughts Riley comfortingly stroked my hair,kissing my head every once in a while,letting me say everything I needed to say. After I got out everything I needed to,I felt a huge weight had been lifted off of my chest as I sighed in relief.
'Jae,you're nothing like him and you will never be. You're sweet,kind-hearted,funny,generous,caring. You're a great friend and an amazing boyfriend. I know you'll never hurt me intentionally. But baby,you are hurting me now by doing this to yourself. You need to stop. I love you so much and seeing you put yourself down like this is killing me.' After she explained this I realised that by pushing her away I would only hurt her more,and it would also hurt me. I love Riley and she loves me,that's enough for us to get through anything. And as I come to this realisation I start mentally hitting myself for how stupid I've been these past days. Letting Riley go was my biggest mistake,I'm not doing it again.
So with this I pull my face away from her neck and look into her eyes. I see the unshed tears and I promise myself I'll never push her away again.
I feel a pair of hands cup my face and fingers brush away my tears. Riley gives me a small smile and I reciprocate her action,resting my hands on her waist. I press my forehead against hers and don't waste any more time,diminishing the little space between us by capturing her lips mine.

Riley's POV
As James presses his lips to mine I can't help but smile,relieved that I've finally got him back. The kiss is slow and sweet, both of us getting used to each-others lips again.
It's filled with love and a promise. A promise that we will never let each other go. A promise that whatever problem we get into, whatever dilemma we face,we'll get through it. A promise that we'll love each other no matter the unexpected.

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