Tag challenge

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Thanks to ar4963 for tagging me on this challenge!
These are the questions I'm answering.

Thanks to ar4963 for tagging me on this challenge!These are the questions I'm answering

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1.I would spend it with Brittany because she seems so chill and down to earth and is really funny aswell.


3.Jiley(It's in the name!)

4.That is actually a really hard one because I love movies and I absolutely love reading. I would probably say read the books.

5.If I was les it would be Britt otherwise Zac(Hunter).


7.Be on the next step.

8.My character's name would be Leah. I think my backstory would be that I came from quite a rough background. I lived in a high criminal-offence area and with a family who disapproved of me. I didn't have any friends but dance was my escape from everything; when I dance I just forget about everything and everyone around me and just get lost in the music.



11.Brittany's sister


13.I would live in Spain. Just because I love the food and the people and the accents!

For this challenge I choose:
Sorry if I tagged someone who's already been chosen!
Your questions are...
1. Snog,Marry,Kill. Any tns cast member from any season.
2.Micheldon or Huntmily
3.Worst/most hated tns character and couple
4.Favourite tns couple and their best moment.
5.Pizza or Burger
6.Favourite ice cream flavour
7.Favourite Jiley duet
8.Your ideal first date
9.Riley's outfits season 1/2/3/4?
10. West or Eldon
11.If you could rule the world for one day what would be the first thing you did?
12.Best Jiley hug/kiss
13.If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

Hope you enjoy the questions!

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