Chapter 12

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James' POV
I'm waiting for Riley outside of Hidalgos as we're supposed to be meeting up when I see Tess approaching me. Tess is cool I guess,I mean Riley trusts her so I guess I have to like her, but sometimes she really gets on my nerves.
'Hey Jae,'she says twirling her finger around her hair and walking closer to me.
She says two words and I'm already annoyed. Since him, only Riley can call me Jae,and everyone knows that. No one knows about him except for Riley,it's too painful,but everyone knows that only Riley can call me Jae. I pretend like I don't care because I know she's just trying to get a reaction out of me which I'm not going to give and so I settle with a brief 'hi' and go back to playing on my phone.
She continues walking closer to me and talks again,
'So I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime,maybe tomorrow?' She does know that I am dating one of her closest friends,right? I say no and luckily hear Riley on the phone coming closer.
'Ok bye Emily.Talk to you later.Love you too,'
And then all of a sudden I feel an unfamiliar set of lips smash onto mine.

Riley's POV
'Love you too,'I end the call and turn around the corner, really wishing I didn't. I see something I never thought I would see,my boyfriend and one of my closest friends..kissing. I just can't believe they would do this to me.

James' POV
As soon as I process what's going on I pull away as quickly as I can.
'What the hell Tess!'but she just smirks and I turn around to see an expressionless Riley staring back at me.
'Riles,it's not what you think,' I start to say but she silences me with a hand.
'Well,what I think is that my bestfriend and not to mention boyfriend,betrayed me and made out with one of my closest friends.'
'Please,Riles. Listen to me.That's not true.Tess started flirting with me and when we heard you she smashed her lips onto mine and as soon as I processed what was happening,I pulled away,I swear.You have to believe me.'

Riley's POV
James explains his side so I turn expectantly to Tess. I know I have to listen to both sides. I've learnt from experience that there is no point from running from your problems.
'Have anything to say Tess?'I ask.She sighs and says,'Well,I was on my way to Hidalgos when I saw James. So I came up to say hi and he suddenly just pinned me against the wall and started kissing me,I tried to pull away but he was just too strong.'
'No Riley.You can't actually believe,her can you?'James says with a desperate expression on his face.
I don't say anything,just cross my arms and look down at the ground.
I have no idea who to believe.

So,who do you think Riley is going to believe?

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