Chapter 19

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Riley's POV
After bowling we head back to James' house since he needs to start moving his stuff to my apartment. I'm just hoping that he has forgotten about that whole incident with me swearing and shouting down the phone.
'So,'he says whilst folding his clothes,'want to tell me why you were practically screaming through the phone?'
Obviously not.

James' POV
'Not really,'she answers.
'Riley,tell me,'I now demand.
'Hey,have you actually told your mom that you are staying in Canada? Because I kinda think she needs to know,'Riley says,completely changing the subject.Then I realise I haven't actually discussed this with my mom at all.
I run down the stairs and see ma making dinner.She then looks up and gives me a sympathetic smile,
M-Hey James.Is Riley staying for dinner?How is she taking the news.
J-She's taking it great actually beacause I'm not leaving.
M- James,dont be silly. What do you mean you're not leaving?
J-I mean that I'm going to live with Riley.Emily's moving to England soon so there will be plenty of space.
Please mom.You know how much I want to stay here.You know how much this means to me. Please.
M-James,I don't know.
I get on my knees and clasp my hands together.
M-*Sigh* Well you are 18 and I guess you do have to start making your own choices so...Ok. After everything that's happened,I just want you to be happy.
My expression softens and I bring my mom into a bone-crushing hug. I make a mental note to myself that I will visit her every single change that I have. I then release her and kiss her cheek and then run back to Riley to ask her about that damn phonecall.

Riley's POV
Ok I need to think of a way to distract James so he doesn't ask me about Charlie. And I need to think fast. Come on Ri,think.Think.
James comes running through the door and just as he opens his mouth to talk I cut him off by crashing our lips together.He instinctively kisses back.

James' POV
I suddenly realise what Riley is trying to do so I pull away but she starts to kiss my neck and jawline.I am about to push her off but then an idea comes to mind.Two can play at this game.

Riley's POV
James reconnects our lips together and I smile into the kiss. My plan is working.He then pins me onto his bed and detaches our lips.I give him a confused look,
'I know what you are doing Riley and it isn't working.So you can tell me what the phone call was about NOW or I can find a way to make you spill.Choose wisely Raymond.'
I try to get out of his grasp but he's too strong.I sigh in defeat and give in,he might aswell know.
'Fine,but can you atleast get off of me?' James moves his hands from my arms and lets me sit up.And I begin to tell my story.

James' POV
'Remember that time in grade 11 when we had a Harry Potter movie marathon at your house and I turned up with a black eye?'she asks,I nod my head
'Because you walked into a lamppost right?'I ask,she shakes her head,
'Wrong.I lied.The real reason is because Charlie,the one from B-troupe gave it to me.' I clench my fists but let her continue talking,how comes I don't know about this?
'I was walking back to my house from soccer practice to get my things when someone suddenly pushed me to the wall and started kissing my neck.I realised it was Charlie.Long story short,I pushed him off and kneed him in the face then I guess he got angry and he punched my face.Then I kicked him in the south ,pushed him over and ran home,' she concluded. 'I just about got away.'
I just sit there stunned.I can't believe she didn't tell me.
'The only reason I didn't tell you is because I didn't need you to worry.I had it under control.'
I nodded and turned to face her,I understand where shes coming from.
'But if something like that ever happens to you again promise that you will tell me,Riles.Promise me,'I say.She nods her head and pulls me into an embrace,'I promise.'

Riley's POV
It's around 10:30pm and I am trying to go to sleep but I can't.I keep on wondering how on Earth Charlie got my number and why he decided to phone me now,nearly a year after the incident happened.
'Riley,go to sleep,we have school tomorrow,'James mumbles,putting an arms around my waist.I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes.
'Emily,noooo!Don't leave me!' I scream as her heartbeat flatlines right in front of me.Suddenly a dark figure stalks towards me,'Miss me?'he asks.He corners me,I try to scream but he covers my mouth with his lips.
I shoot up straight with sweat on my forehead and my breathing heavy. It was just a bad dream Riley.Just a bad dream.
I then get out of bed and get some water from the kitchen.Suddenly I feel a pair of arms around me and I am about to scream when their hand covers my mouth,'Shh,it's just me.'

James' POV
I wake up in the middle of the night because for some reason I am really uncomfortable.I reach over to pull Riley closer to me but she isn't there.
I jump out of the bed and exit the room to see Riley drinking some water and looking really shaken up.I go behind her and slide my arms around her waist,she is about to scream so I cover her mouth with my hand,'Shh it's just me.' I reassure her.She relaxes into my arms and I turn her around.I move a strand of hair away from her face and tuck it behind her ear.'What's wrong?'
'Bad dream,'she replies and lets out a long yawn.I carry her back to her room and lay her down on the bed,crawling next to her so we are face to face.
She lets out a small laugh.'I really am turning into a right weakling.First I cry,then I BLUSH,then I giggle, and now I am scared of something that's not even real.'
'Riley,it's ok to be scared sometimes.Plus,'but as I am about to say something Riley runs out of the bed and I hear something that sounds like vomiting.I run into the bathroom to see Riley looking as pale as a ghost.

Riley's POV
As James is talking I feel really sick so I rush to the bathroom and vomit in the toilet.I feel James pulling my hair out of the way and rubbing my back. When I am sure that I am done vomiting I get up and brush my teeth and James hands me a glass of water.I feel him picking me up but I am too tired to protest.He lays me back down onto my bed and kisses my forehead and before we can say anything else I fall into a deep sleep.
James' POV
I wake up at around 7:30 and see Riley looking completely knocked out.I feel her forehead with the back of my hand and she is burning.Looks like someone isn't going to school today.I get out of bed,being careful not to wake Riley and have some breakfast.
It's 8:15 by the time I'm ready for school so I have some time to kill.I sit on the bed and put Riley's head on my lap and stroke her hair whilst going on my phone.A few minutes later she begins to stir and looks up at me.

Riley's POV
I wake up and feel someone stroking my hair and I look up to see James.He smiles down at me and I groan,I have such a bad headache.
'Hey gorgeous,'he says,'it looks like you are not going to school today as you have a fever.'
'But James,'I begin to protest but he put his finger on my lips and gives me a stern look,'Riley Raymond you are not going to school,you need to rest. End of discussion.' I know I am not going to win this,James can be as stubborn as hell,so I settle for a dirty glare,'Why are you such a good boyfriend,'I grumble.

James' POV
I chuckle at this statement and lean in to kiss Riley but she moves away,
'If you kiss me you are going to get ill,'she says.
'But Riley,'I begin to protest but she cuts me off by putting her finger on my lip,
'James Tordjman you are not kissing me or you are going to get ill. End of discussion.' I know I'm not going to win this as she is the most stubborn person in the world so I look at her and ask,'Why do you have to be such a good girlfriend?'
We then both burst into fits of laughter.
'Oww,'Riley moans,clutching her head.
'Ok.Back to bed.You need to sleep but take these first,' I give her some painkillers and she gulps them down.I check the time and it is 8:30,I should probably leave for school so I kiss her whole face except for her lips and say bye.
Hopefully nothing bad will happen to her.

Riley's POV
When James goes I can't go back to sleep so I just lay down and think.The day I came up with the idea of James living with me I realised that I loved him.But I haven't actually told him yet,is it too early?Does he love me?
I'm afraid that if I say it to him and he doesn't feel the same way it will make it awkward between us and will ruin our relationship completely.
I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my stomach rumbling telling me I am hungry but I don't want to vomit again so I just eat an apple.When I get back to my room I see a piece of paper lying on my desk and realise that I haven't even started my college application,so I sit down and take a look at it.It is all the boring crap like why do you think you should get into this school and when did you start dancing.As I am halfway through writing I feel really dizzy and the words keep jumbling up so I stop.I'm about to try and go back to sleep when I hear the front doot creek open.

I grab my soccer boots(since they have studs that are very sharp)and peek around the corner.I can not believe who it is.

Who do you think it is?
Not proofread

Unexpected-JileyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang