Chapter 9

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*2 weeks later*
Riley's POV
Right now I am just walking towards my locker after entering school to get some books when I spot all of the girls huddled around someone. I walk upto them to check out what is going on and can not believe who I am seeing.
'Tess!!' I shout.
'Riley!!'and she runs upto me as fast as she can,strangling me with a hug that I gratefully return.
Tess is one of my closest friends and was the first girl friend I made in Canada.She hasn't been here for ages since she went away on some exchange program. I've really missed her and am so glad that she is finally back.

'You know what,'Michelle declares as we all walk down the hallway,'all of you are having a sleepover at my house Friday night. We definitely need to catch up.' We all agree enthusiastically and then head our separate ways.

As I walk down to Maths,something,or should I say someone,shoves me into the janitors closet.
'What the hell is your problem!'I shout to whoever is in here with me,seeing as it's really dark.
'Nice to know that you are excited to see your sexy boyfriend,'and James turns on the light,revealing himself.
'In your dreams, James.You're as sexy as a disabled pig,'I counter but he doesn't reply,instead pushes me against the wall and firmly presses his lips to mine whilst his hands freely roam my body.

Our relationship has been going great in these past couple of weeks and it is escalating faster than I thought. Originally I thought that our relationship was going to be awkward,but we just act the same around eachother as we did when we were just best friends. The only thing that has changed is that we kiss... a lot.

'As much as I to do this....we've got maths..and I don't want to get....a detention for......being late...again,' I surprisingly manage to get out as I breath heavily,holding back a loud moan. However he doesn't listen and starts kissing my jawline,my neck,then shoulder and lightly rubs my thighs. 'James!Stop it.We have to get to class.' I shout,now annoyed,pushing him off of me.Instead of listening,once again,he smashes his lips onto mine and this time I just give in. There's no point trying to fight with him when he's like this.

James' POV
I smirk to myself as I feel Riley giving in and kissing me back.
I roughly bite on her lip,silently asking for entrance and soon enough she gives it to me.
Instantly, both of our tongues are exploring each others mouths,teasing the sweet spots. After a few minutes I hastily pull away and look Riley in the eyes.
'We have to go to maths,remember?' Then I saunter out of the janitors closet.
'Bastard' she says,whilst fixing up her shirt which I return with a goofy smile.

Riley's POV
We run into maths class twenty minutes late. Thanks James.
'Mr Tordjman,Ms Raymond, care to explain why you are late to my lesson?Again,may I add,'Mr.Turner asks angrily.
'Probably making out in the janitors closet.Again' Hunter comments,rolling his eyes,which is followed with a series of laughs and wolf whistles.
I shut them up with a deathly glare as James stands their smirking like the idiot he is.
'Detention after school.'Mr.Turner says.
'What. No! Sir please,if I get another detention I can't play in this week's match. I'm the captain. I have to be there' I argue.
'I'm sorry Ms Raymond,but it looks like you are missing your game.'
'Fine. But if we lose against Fairview this week,be sure to know that every single pupil in this school will hate you.'

James POV
I decide to start talking since I know Riley is going to kill me if she misses the game that determines if they go to the semi-finals, so I say, 'Please Mr.Turner.It wasn't Rileys fault,it was mine. Don't give her detention. Plus,do you really want the whole of the student body to hate you?' I question.
He looks at me then to Riley and sighs.
'I'm sorry,but this is the third time you two are late in the past week and it is unacceptable.Now go take your seats before I make it two detentions.'he finalises.
God how I hate this teacher. Looks like me and Riley have detention afterschool.
...................The next day................
Riley's POV
'Hey,' James says as I enter the cafeteria.I've been giving him the cold shoulder ever since he landed us in detention,and to be honest you can't really blame me. He made me miss a vital game and detention was hell. The usual detention teacher wasn't there yesterday so we actually had to do work. Something about writing why it is wrong to defy a teacher and how respecting teachers will get you far in life. Blah blah blah.
Anyways, James has been contacting me non-stop. I've received 13 missed calls,8 voicemails and 31 texts.
'Come on Riley!I'm really sorry about the detention thing, but in my defense it's not my fault Mr.Turner is such an arsehole. Please forgive me,pleeeeease,'
I laugh slightly at his comment and tell him that it's fine.
'Seriously!You ignored me for the whole of the weekend and after I literally begged for your forgiveness all you can say is 'it's fine'?' I simply nod before he gives me an exasperated look and sighs. 'Whatever,'I hear him mutter under his breath and then slides his hand across my waist.

'So,'he starts as we reach the never-ending lunch queue,'do you wanna go bowling tomorrow with the guys?'
'I'd love to but me and the girls are having a sleepover and catching up at Michelle's since Tess came back. I guess you can have a guys night.'
'But you are practically one of the guys Riley,and you know it.Please!!!'

James' POV
I ask her,but she says no since she hasn't seen Tess in ages and wants to catch up.
I leave the topic since I already have a plan forming in the back of my mind. All I'm saying is that tomorrow night isn't going to be any regular sleepover for the girls.

Sorry for the rubbish chapter. But there will be some drama in the next few chapters.

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