Chapter 25

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Riley's POV
I take Stephanie to my apartment and sit her onto the sofa.She just cries and cries without saying a word.I don't know what's going on but I just do my best to soothe her.
'Stephanie,Stephanie,you need to take a deep breath and look at me,breath in and out,in and out,' I coach her and she does as I say.She looks up at me and stops crying,sniffling here and there but doesn't say anything,
'Now,you need to tell me what's wrong,'I say.
'I can't Riley,'she replies and looks away.

Stephanie's POV
'Stephanie,look at me.I can't see one of my closest friends like this and not do anything to help them because I don't know what's going on.Now I know I haven't been spending that much time with you lately and I'm really sorry about that,but I care about you.Alot.So you need to take a deep breath and tell me what's going on,'Riley tells me softly and I trap her in a tight hug.I've known her for ages and I love her,she's like a sister to me.I know I can tell her,I have to tell her.I take a deep breath like she said and start,
'Well, ever since mom died dad hasn't been the same,at all.First he just locked himself away in his room and cried to himself,not even coming down for dinner,but then it got worse.One night he said he was going out,and me and Soph thought that we'd get our dad back.But we were wrong.He came back screaming and shouting about how much of a bitch and slut I was.I was shocked,and realised he was drunk,very drunk.Then he did something that I never thought a father would do to his daughter,he slapped me.Hard.' By this time I was a wreck,my voice barely audible over my sobs.
'You don't have to continue if you don't want to.I get it,' Riley said.But I shook my head,I knew she wanted to hear the rest and I really needed to tell someone what had been going on over these past few months.
'Anyways,this went on for a few weeks.He went out at night,came back drunk and then went to work the next morning like nothing happened.I knew it wasn't safe for Sophie to stay home anymore,so I sent her to stay at her best friends until this was all over.I thought that it wouldn't last long,a month at the most,but it got even worse.Dad started abusing me more often,verbally and physically.Last week he started bringing over some of his friends and..and they...oh Riley!He didn't do anything.They started touching and kissing me,and I tried shouting for help but it was no use,they just hit me.Oh Riley!What am I supposed to do!?' I collapsed into her arms and sobbed uncontrollably.

Riley's POV
I was raging,fuming.How could he do this to his own daughters!? I needed to do something,now.
'You need to talk to James,'I say calmly.
'What?'she replies confused.
'You need to talk to James.'
'Yeah I know what you said.But why?I just told you that my dad abuses me and you told me to talk to James!'Stephanie asks confused and I take a deep breath.
'You need to talk to him because
... he's been through the same thing.'

Short and crappy chapter, I know! Did this in school.
So what do you think will happen?Didn't see that coming about James,did you?
Please Comment!

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