Chapter 29

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James' POV
Riles and I are now just chilling out in the apartment after an intense make-out session which resulted in us topless.Yes,both of us topless.
Emily's out with some friends,Hunter's at a family get- together and it seems as if everyone we know is busy. So here we are lying on the couch-Riley ontop of me-watching Pitch Perfect.

I notice that Riley's eyes begin to get droopy after we are around half-way through our second movie(Pitch Perfect 2) so I pause the movie and gently shake her.
'Baby,come on.Let's get you to bed,'I say softly.Yawning,Riley climbs off of me and I pick her up and take her to our room.Gently, I lay her down onto the bed and lie down next to her,pulling her into a spoon. I place a soft kiss on her neck and whisper a goodnight just before her eyes close.
Took a ride on a Monday
And that's when I-
'Turn that bloody thing off,'Riley groans,referring to her phone which was all the way on the other side of the room. Now,I know I should've just got up,walked across the room and turned off her phone to avoid the wrath of Riley,but right now this bed feels like heaven and there is no way in hell that I am getting out of it. So instead I just pull Riley closer and wait for the ringing to stop. But it doesn't. Instead it starts up again.Sensing Riley's frustration, I sigh in annoyance and reluctantly push myself away from my girlfriend and out of the cosy bed,getting up to decline the call. However,when I reach her phone I realise that it is Stephanie who is calling and that it might be important.
'Babe,it's Stephanie..' I say. Instead of replying,Riley just sticks out her hand and I take that as a sign to give her her phone.

Riley's POV
'Hello?'I groggily say into the phone.
'R..riley?' At this I sit up in alarm.
'Steph?.What's wrong?!'
'Can..can you c..come to pick an..and Sophie up please?' She asks.
'Yes!Of course. We're on our way right now,'I assure her,gesturing for James to get ready whilst I just put on one of his hoodie's.
'What's wrong Steph?'
'Please just get here,'
'I will. We're nearly there,but you got to tell me what's going on,'
'I..I..just please get here quickly. I'll explain when you g..get here,'and the call ends,the last thing I hear through the phone, a loud sob.
When I get off of the phone James gives me a look and I explain everything I know and we both rush outside to Emily's car. Pressing down on the pedal,James goes as fast as he possibly can without getting pulled over and I am just praying to God that whatever has happened that Stephanie and Sophie are okay.

I forgot what Stephanie's sister's name was so now it is Sophie! Sorry if there was any confusion.
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