Chapter 21

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James' POV
I'm pacing back and forth in the hospital's waiting room,anxiously waiting for some news,any news, about Riley.
After I knocked out Charlie I ran straight upto Riley to see that she was lying on the floor unconcious. I called the ambulance and police straight away,Charlie was taken into custody and now here I am,waiting to see if my girlfriend is even conscious.
After what feels like forever a doctor finally comes out and calls my name.
'Fortunately, Riley is awake.She,however, has many bruises to her stomach and her ribcage has slightly cracked so she will have to stay in the hospital for a few days to fully recover. You can go visit her now if you wish.She's in room 24,just down the hall.'
I thank the doctor and hurry to room.

Riley's POV
As I see James enter the room my face immediately brightens.It's nice to see a familiar face rather than random people who have been poking and prodding at you ever since you woke up.
'Hey,'I say weakly
'Hi,'and instantly I am engulfed in a fierce hug.
'You had me worried sick,'he whispers.
As James pulls away and sits down I notice that a black eye is on its way,he has a bruised cheek and his lip is swollen.This is all my fault.If I wasn't so helpless I wouldn't have needed him to come to my rescue and he wouldn't have got hurt in the first place.
'Oh my god!Are you ok,'I ask worriedly,gently touching his lip with my thumb.

James' POV
I can't believe that Riley is worried about me. She nearly got raped and has fractured her ribs and she is asking if I am ok?!
'I'm so sorry,'she says.
'For what!Riley you didn't do anything wrong.I should be the sorry one.I should've been there to protect you,'I say.
'No James.If I wasn't so useless and weak we wouldn't be in this situation.I am so helpless.'
Now I'm getting really frustrated,why can't she see that she one of the toughest and strongest girl I have ever met?!
'Look,there's no point pointing fingers because we can't change what happened,'I say evenly,but she still avoids eye contact with me and something in me just snaps.
'Riley,look at me.Look at me.You are the strongest person I have ever met.I don't know anyone who could've stayed conscious for that long after taking that many blows.And I don't understand why you can't see that?Why can't you see that you are amazing in everyway,why can't you see that you're beautiful,pretty,that you are smart,that you are everything a guy can dream of?! Why Riley?'
She is always putting herself down.All that anyone at school thinks when they hear Riley Raymond is tough,strong,never putting herself down. But I know the real Riley.She always doubts herself,she is always telling herself that she isn't good enough when infact she's the total opposite.I can see it so why can't she?

Riley's POV
I never thought I'd hear anyone say that to me.I never thought of myself as beautiful or smart,all I think I am is plain old Riley Raymond.But whenever I am with James-as corny as this sounds-he makes me feel like there is no one else but me.Just those few words coming from James made me feel ontop of the world.I feel tears forming in the back of my eyes ,
'You know ever since we've started dating I've become a real softie,'I say chuckling, so does James.I look into his eyes and say,'Thank you,' and I mean it.

James' POV
'Don't even worry about it,'I reply.'You know,I think that there is enough room for two on that bed.'I say cheekily,trying to lighten the mood.Riley rolls her eyes and scoots over.I jump into the bed and pull my Riles closer to me,'That's better.'
R-Hey,what's the time?
J-Around 7
We start laughing at this,as they say,great minds think alike. And just like that we're back to normal,as if nothing just happened and we're completely content with life.
'I'll get some burgers from the cafeteria and then we can watch a movie.'I suggest.Riley agrees so I hurry down to the cafeteria and wait in the queue.

Riley's POV
After waiting for around 30 minutes James finally decides to come back with the food.
'Finally!I am fucking starving!'I exclaim.
'Sorry,'he says out of breath,'Long queue,'

James' POV
I jump into the bed and take out the tray which is attached to the bed and place the burgers onto the tray.I then turn on the TV and search for movies.
'Ooh.Kingsman.'Riley suggests.As the movie starts,Riley comments,
'Ok,I know I sound like a proper girl saying this,but He.Is.So.Fucking.Hot.'she comments,getting slightly flustered.
I get really annoyed as she says this.Riley never comments during movies,she's one of those people who gets really peeved when someone says a word during a movie,so why now?

Riley's POV
I would never actually say that.That is such a typical girl thing to say,even if he is kinda hot. I only said it to make James jealous,he's really cute when he's jealous. I feel his muscles tense and I know that I have done my job.
I amusedly(if that's a word)finish off my burger and then take everything off the tray and face James who is still glaring at the TV.
I start to kiss his neck and jawline,' you,' I look up and grin at him.He looks back down at me and before I know it I feel a pair of lips crash down on mine.As the kiss deepens we get interrupted by a knock on the door,
'Come in,'I says,and Eldon,West and Hunter enter.
'Oh hey guys!'
H-Hey Riley.How are you feeling?
R-As good as I can.
E-The girls say they are sorry they couldn't come,they were busy.But who cares! We're here
W-Anyways,guess what I brought?FIFA 2017!(Game on Xbox)
R-What!No way,you got it already!
W-Actually it's a get well soon gift from us four.
I look around in disbelief.I can't believe they got it for me,it costs alot.'Thank you!!!!!!!!'I scream.
'So,who wants to play first?' So that's what we do for the next 2 hours until the boys have to leave.
'Oh yeah,nearly forgot to tell you guys.I changed the day of you being my slaves to Friday.' They groan as they exit and it is just James and I left.
'Riles,you should probably be getting some sleep.You look exhausted.'James states.
'Only if you sleep with me.'I say and he grins.

James' POV
I watch my little angel fall asleep in my arms whilst stroking her hair gently,thinking about how grateful I am to have her in my life.I gently kiss her forehead and before I know it I fall into a deep sleep.
.................Next morning................
I wake up to see that the space next to me is empty.I shoot up and look around worriedly,
'Riley!'Then I spot a petite frame in the corner of the room,gazing straight ahead,with one stray tear trailing down her face.I walk towards her and crouch down so I can look into her eyes,but all I can see is emptiness.The eyes that were once filled with warmness and brightness are cold and dull.
'They're going to pull the plug James,'she says without any emotion,still looking directly ahead.I'm really confused.She looks up at me and whispers,
'They are going to pull Emily's life support plug if there's no visible progress in her body tomorrow,'
'What!'I exclaim,they can't do that,she's been in the hospital for less than a month.That's outrageous!! They can't just pull the plug.What kind of hospital is this?I stand up to talk some sense into the doctors but Riley stops me,
'There's no point.I tried for 1hour straight.They didn't listen.They don't care.' Seeing Riley say this and look so empty makes my heart break.I pick her up bridal style and sit down on the chair with her on my lap.
'Do you want to go and see her?'I ask softly and she nods her head,so we make our way to Emily's ward.

Riley's POV
I see Emily lying down lifelessly on the uncomfortable hospital bed.I run upto her and hug her as tightly as I can,knowing that she won't be able to hug me back.
'Please Emily.Please wake up.I need you Em,I can't lose you.Please.I love you,'I sob.But she can't hear me.
I feel someone sit me down on their lap and rock me back and forth.
'Shhhh.Shhh.'James tries to sooth me but it doesn't work.Not this time. Tomorrow my sister could lose her life to a plug.I look at her longingly,hoping that her eyes will flutter open any second now and tomorrow she'll be blabbering about the latest fashion trends.
All of a sudden I see Emily's hand twitch.I shake my head.Just my imagination.But it happens again.And again.

Emily's POV
I hear someone who sounds like Riley talking.I try to open my eyes to see my baby sister's face but I can't,all I can see is darkness.I try to say something but no words are coming out.I need to find a way to signal someone.To tell them that I can hear them.I move my hand,again and again and soon enough I can open my eyes.

Riley's POV
After twitching her hand again and again,Emily's eyes flutter open and I gasp.I jump out of James' arms and run upto Emily.
'Riley?!'I jump onto the bed and hug Emily as tightly as I can.
'Hey,can't breathe.'Emily says.
'Sorry,'and I loosen my grip but don't let go,'I've missed you so much.'
She gently strokes my hair and whispers,'Well I'm here now,and I'm not going anywhere.'

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